problem with tcltk under Windows (was [Rd] RE: [R] one more Rcmdrproblem)

Thomas Ruf thomas.ruf at
Thu Nov 4 14:37:33 CET 2004

Dear all,
I'd like to use Rcmdr for teaching purposes but still have problems
trying to use it under Windows XP. Everything works fine up to several
minutes but then Rcmdr and R completely crash the second I hit a button
or key. This indeed looks like a problem with tcltk. It is not any
particular button or key that causes the crash, but using Ctrl+C to copy
something to the clipboard seem the most 'reliable' cause. I tried this
on 4 different PCs all under Windows XP (home or prof.), SP1. I did
download and reinstall R 2.0.0, RCmdr and required packages on Nov. 1,
2004, but that didn't help either. Are there any new insights into these 

Best regards,

Thomas Ruf
Institute of Wildlife Ecology
University of Veterinary Medicine
Vienna, Austria
Tel.: *43 1 4890915 150
Fax:  *43 1 4890915 550

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