[Rd] Gmane for list?

Duncan Murdoch dmurdoch at pair.com
Mon May 10 21:35:14 CEST 2004

On Mon, 10 May 2004 10:33:08 -0700, Webb Sprague
<wwsprague at ucdavis.edu> wrote :

>Hi all,
>I was wondering if I might subscribe this list to gmane.org, so I (and 
>everyone else) might view and search in with a newsreader?

The r-help mirroring doesn't seem to have caused any trouble, but you
should ask the list maintainer:  it might be worse than I know.

>Also--is there any way to get it indexed by google, maybe along with the 
>r-help list (or is it already but I haven't found it)?

It is, sort of, in the indexing of the archives.  If you want to
search for something and only see the archives you could use something

site:tolstoy.newcastle.edu.au  History

You'll pick up some other stuff too, but mostly you'll see archived

Duncan Murdoch

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