[Rd] R-bugs is for BUGS (was Help Documentation (PR#6717))
Peter Dalgaard
p.dalgaard at biostat.ku.dk
Tue Mar 30 21:26:48 CEST 2004
Thomas Lumley <tlumley at u.washington.edu> writes:
> Everyone,
> While this has been in some ways a useful discussion, the most important
> part of Brian's initial complaint was that the messages were sent to
> R-bugs. All this follow-up discussion has *also* been sent to R-bugs,
> often by people who know better.
> If it isn't a bug report, *don't send it to R-bugs.*
And, for crying out loud: WATCH THE BLOODY CC: FIELDS AND THE PR# AND
thread ended up split over PR#6711 through PR#6717 for that reason. I
see that some kind soul moved all of them to the trashcan, but when
there is actual content in a thread, this effect gets really annoying.
All bug reports are automagically copied to r-devel with the PR#
attached. If you do a direct CC, the list will see two copies of the
report. But not just that: some people will do a wide reply to the
version without the PR#, and a copy of their response will get sent to
r-bugs, where, since it has no PR#, it will be treated as a new
report, but another copy without PR# is already sent to r-devel, where
people will reply, etc., etc.
O__ ---- Peter Dalgaard Blegdamsvej 3
c/ /'_ --- Dept. of Biostatistics 2200 Cph. N
(*) \(*) -- University of Copenhagen Denmark Ph: (+45) 35327918
~~~~~~~~~~ - (p.dalgaard at biostat.ku.dk) FAX: (+45) 35327907
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