[Rd] Script editor for Windows GUI

A.J. Rossini rossini at blindglobe.net
Wed Feb 25 20:44:22 MET 2004

I like many of the features of eclipse -- we've got all of the nice
ones on my ESS roadmap (i.e. via ECB and the Eric Eide emacs tools
integration).  It's a bit harder than it looks, though (many of the
same problems with that (eclipse) would be similar to the problems
that are holding up ESS development, i.e. parsing (for us, using the
emacs semantic bovinator), and language integration.

Of course, one of the problems is that comparably speaking, Eclipse is
much heavier/slower than the Emacs equivalent (JDEE integrated with
ECB).  Somehow, large software systems seem to increase complexity
relative to the hardware tracking Moore's law, breaking even


"Rich Haney" <rphaney at bigfoot.com> writes:

> A personal vote would be to make use of the Eclipse IDE, an IDE originally
> written for Java but also now being used for other languages, including C#,
> COBOL, and ( unless I am mistaken ) the MacroMedia "MX" product suite.
> Although the Eclipse IDE suffers from many of the usual problems in Java, it
> is a reasonable compromise.  Over time, as a part of Eclipse,  one is apt to
> build in the use of an intemediate layer based upon the use of an abstract
> syntax tree or stack machine to which "R" is compiled.  Depending upon one
> preference, that layer is apt to be the Java JVM, the new Parrot virtual
> machine used in PERL 6, a .NET-type of approach, or ( perhaps best )
> whatever Luke Tierney decides on.  So you think of the script editor and IDE
> as also linked into the long term evolution of "R" as a language. 

rossini at u.washington.edu            http://www.analytics.washington.edu/ 
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