[Rd] Fixed width graphics font?

Simon Urbanek Simon.Urbanek at math.uni-augsburg.de
Fri Feb 13 11:52:48 MET 2004

On Feb 13, 2004, at 11:46 AM, Peter Dalgaard wrote:

> Duncan Murdoch <dmurdoch at pair.com> writes:
>> On Thu, 12 Feb 2004 20:50:38 -0500, you wrote:
>>> Is there any way to get a fixed width plot in graphs?  I want to put 
>>> a text
>>> matrix into a plot and this would make it easy.
>> In the Windows device, fonts 10 and 11 are fixed width "Courier New".
>> In general graphics devices don't have to supply such a font.
> In particular, I don't think it is possible in the postscript and x11
> devices (unless you switch the basic fonts in postscript). It
> shouldn't be hard to add, though -- basically just add a Courier font
> at font positions 6, and maybe continue with bold and oblique
> variants. However, I wouldn't know whether any of what Paul has been
> up to involves a more radical solution to font handling in general.

The current R-devel graphics device API supports font family name - I 
just didn't check yet which parameter is used to set it (fontfamily?).


Simon Urbanek
Department of computer oriented statistics and data analysis
University of Augsburg
Universitätsstr. 14
86135 Augsburg

Tel: +49-821-598-2236
Fax: +49-821-598-2200

Simon.Urbanek at Math.Uni-Augsburg.de

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