[Rd] building XML-0.95-1 on MacOS

Sean Davis sdavis2 at mail.nih.gov
Thu Oct 9 11:22:59 MEST 2003

I am trying to build the XML package on MacOS.  I am using the fink 
installation of libxml-1.8.17.  The configuration information is:

Configuration information:

Libxml settings

libxml include directory: /sw/include/gnome-xml
libxml library directory: -L/sw/lib -lxml -lz -lz  -lxml
libxml 2:                 no

Compilation flags:         -I/sw/include/gnome-xml 
-I/sw/include/gnome-xml/libxml -DLIBXML -I/sw/include/gnome-xml
Link flags:               -L/sw/lib -lxml -lz -lz  -lxml

Compiling produced the following error:
gcc -bundle -flat_namespace -undefined suppress -L/sw/lib 
-L/usr/local/lib -o XML.so DocParse.o EventParse.o ExpatParse.o 
HTMLParse.o RSDTD.o RUtils.o Utils.o XMLEventParse.o XMLTree.o 
-L/sw/lib -lxml -lz -lz  -lxml -lcc_dynamic
ld: multiple definitions of symbol _xmlParserError
Utils.o definition of _xmlParserError in section (__TEXT,__text)
/sw/lib/libxml.dylib(error.lo) definition of _xmlParserError
make: *** [XML.so] Error 1
ERROR: compilation failed for package 'XML'

I saw that back in September there was a discussion about fixing this 
problem that involved passing -m to the linker.  My questions are (1) 
what do I need to modify (given that I am using R INSTALL to keep 
things simple for myself) to use the -Xlinker -m option when linking 
XML.so and (2) does this actually work despite the fact that there are 
then two definitions associated with the same symbol?  I guess a third 
question follows from the second--are there other fixes that I can use 
to build the package?

Thanks in advance,

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