[Rd] save bug (PR#2418)

Duncan Murdoch dmurdoch@pair.com
Sat Jan 4 13:12:02 2003

On Fri, 3 Jan 2003 17:51:52 +0000 (GMT), you wrote:

>> 2. In the file>Display file GUI menu, if you try to display a file that is
>> in use by another application -- or at least one particular application I
>> use -- R crashes.
>That's hard to debug. Do you get any useful feedback from a Dr.Mingw
>or other dump?  My guess is that is a problem in msvcrt.dll, but I will
>see if I can trigger it.  What Windows version, BTW?

I think I know what's happening here.  If the other application has
opened the file in an exclusive mode (e.g. whatever mode MS Word uses
when it opens a file), then rgui crashes. 

I'll fix this.

Duncan Murdoch