[Rd] Windows chmhelp fails for files called ....col.Rd; was: [R] problems with max.col()

Uwe Ligges ligges at statistik.uni-dortmund.de
Thu Apr 24 21:10:25 MEST 2003

[shifting the R-help thread to R-devel]

Uwe Ligges wrote:
> heberto ghezzo wrote:
> > 

> You observed another bug: The Compiled HTML help file (on Windows) 
> doesn't come up with ?max.col. Nevertheless, brosing through the index 
> results in a working link (and a page).
> I'm not sure whether the bug is in R or in Microsoft's help compiler ...
> I will take a look later (and move the thread to R-devel in case of 
> further investigations).
> Uwe Ligges

I think it's a bug in Microsoft's html help compiler.
The point seems to be that the lookup doesn't work for files called 
*.col.Rd, which are correctly processed by R's help building scripts 
(html files, index files, toc files are all generated correctly, AFAICS).
The cause might be that col has several meaning in compiled html help, 
particularly there is a file extension ".col" defined for "single Help 

Uwe Ligges

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