Uwe Ligges
Fri, 26 Jul 2002 20:26:40 +0200 (MET DST)
On Fri, 26 Jul 2002, Kurt Hornik wrote:
> >>>>> Martin Maechler writes:
> >>>>> "KH" == Kurt Hornik <hornik@ci.tuwien.ac.at> writes:
> >>>>> ripley writes:
> BDR> Uwe,
> BDR> The titles are not necessarily intended to be aliases. units.Rd is
> BDR> another one. Once upon a time \title automatically generated a \alias,
> BDR> but not for some time (and I've forgotten the reasoning).
> Not \title, but \name.
Right, sorry.
> This is how we started out. We then realized
> that e.g. we cannot have .Script.Rd so now we separate the name of the
> documentation object from the topics it provides documentation for.
> BDR> I think this is confusing, as help.search shows the entry as
> BDR> Random(base) but ?Random does not work. On the other hand, ?Binomial
> BDR> does work, and there is no object Binomial. My preference would be to
> BDR> change help.search, I think.
> > However I think, he (and I) would also want
> > ?Random
> > to work which needs a change to help() as well {or rather to an
> > underlying utility common to all of help(), help.search() and
> > Java searching from the help.start() search interface ?!
> I do not see what is confusing.
Well, Random is listed at several places, e.g. in the result of
help.search("random") : # ..., Random(base), ...
So, at least for me, it is confusing trying ?Random after that.
> Rd writers create a help file and use
> \alias to register the topics documented. We cannot assume that the
> file name is a topic documented, see zScript.Rd which documents .Script.
Agreed, but why not \name ?
> Why should 'Random' be a topic documented?
> help.start() has a bug because it incorrectly assumes that we can get
> help on the name. I will fix this by instead pointing to the *first*
> alias in the documentation object.
As Martin pointed out, not only help.start() has this "bug"(?).
I think it is not a bad idea to get help with ?NAME , if NAME is listed
anywhere else ...
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