
Kurt Hornik Kurt.Hornik@wu-wien.ac.at
Fri, 26 Jul 2002 19:49:55 +0200

>>>>> Martin Maechler writes:

>>>>> "KH" == Kurt Hornik <hornik@ci.tuwien.ac.at> writes:
>>>>> ripley  writes:
BDR> Uwe,
BDR> The titles are not necessarily intended to be aliases.  units.Rd is
BDR> another one.  Once upon a time \title automatically generated a \alias,
BDR> but not for some time (and I've forgotten the reasoning).

Not \title, but \name.  This is how we started out.  We then realized
that e.g. we cannot have .Script.Rd so now we separate the name of the
documentation object from the topics it provides documentation for.

BDR> I think this is confusing, as help.search shows the entry as
BDR> Random(base) but ?Random does not work.  On the other hand, ?Binomial
BDR> does work, and there is no object Binomial.  My preference would be to
BDR> change help.search, I think.

> However I think, he (and I) would also want 

>   ?Random

> to work which needs a change to help() as well {or rather to an
> underlying utility common to all of help(), help.search() and
> Java searching from the help.start() search interface ?!

I do not see what is confusing.  Rd writers create a help file and use
\alias to register the topics documented.  We cannot assume that the
file name is a topic documented, see zScript.Rd which documents .Script.

Why should 'Random' be a topic documented?

help.start() has a bug because it incorrectly assumes that we can get
help on the name.  I will fix this by instead pointing to the *first*
alias in the documentation object.


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