[Rd] na.action=na.omit doesn't omit in glm() (PR#1282)
Fri, 25 Jan 2002 05:22:20 +0100 (MET)
Full_Name: Ralph Mac Nally
Version: 1.40
OS: MacOS9x/Windows98
Submission from: (NULL) (
I'm using a simple glm in which the dependent variable may have missing data
(coded 'NA') as usual. Both the default na.action (na.omit) and explicit
'na.action=na.omit' do not seem to ignore the missing data as I expect,
generating an error to that effect (NA passed to routine). I encounter the same
problem in classic Mac and Windows98 versions, but S works alright.
What is the source/solution to this problem?
Thanks Ralph
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