[Rd] New generic functions in "R base" {was `truncate'}

Martin Maechler Martin Maechler <maechler@stat.math.ethz.ch>
Thu, 17 May 2001 15:21:46 +0200

>>>>> "PaulG" == Paul Gilbert <pgilbert@bank-banque-canada.ca> writes:

    PaulG> Brian
    PaulG> I've changed the name of my truncate function. In this case I think
    PaulG> problems of conflicts in code could easily be resolved, but I don't
    PaulG> understand how conflicts in the documentation would be resolved.

    PaulG> However, please do keep in mind that adding things to base is
    PaulG> problematic because of name space conflicts. This case was
    PaulG> relatively easy for me, but some functions would be much more
    PaulG> difficult because of all the implications for documentation and
    PaulG> other code using the packages.

You are right, Paul, adding things to base is somewhat problematic
particularly for package writers.  That's why I now ask for comments:

One thing I *would* like to add to base (in a general sense -- note that
Brian mentioned that namespaces might well come in the not so distant future),
are the generic functions

    logLik  {both a generic and a class!}

that Bates and Pinheiro use quite extensively in the nlme package
(and I did ask Doug about this two months ago) :

After  library(nlme)

  > ls(pos=2,pat="AIC")
  [1] "AIC"        "AIC.gls"    "AIC.lm"     "AIC.lme"    "AIC.lmList"
  [6] "AIC.logLik" "AIC.nls"   
  > ls(pos=2,pat="^logLik")
   [1] "logLik.corStruct"    "logLik.gls"          "logLik.glsStruct"   
   [4] "logLik.gnls"         "logLik.gnlsStruct"   "logLik.lm"          
   [7] "logLik.lme"          "logLik.lmeStruct"    "logLik.lmeStructInt"
  [10] "logLik.lmList"       "logLik.reStruct"     "logLik.varComb"     
  [13] "logLik.varFunc"     
  > ls(pos=2,pat="logLik$")
  [1] "AIC.logLik"   "BIC.logLik"   "print.logLik"
  > AIC
  function (object, ...) 
  > str(AIC.lm)
  function (object, ...) 


The nlme() also defines BIC(), which one might argue could also be
considered a special case of a more general "*IC" generic.

Package MASS has

  extractAIC.loglm <- function (fit, scale, k = 2, ...) 
      edf <- fit$n - fit$df
      c(edf, fit$deviance + k * edf)

which you can use for the BIC as well 
by replacing "k = 2" by "k = log(fit$n)".

And there are AIC like computations in many R packages.
which may or may not differ.
However it would make sense to have the generic and the lm (and glm?)
methods in standard base.  Similarly for "logLik".


Does anyone see problems?
Should the AIC generic {or only some of the methods} include something like
a "k = 2" argument  (why ``k'' , btw) ?

Thanks for constructive feedback!

Martin Maechler <maechler@stat.math.ethz.ch>	http://stat.ethz.ch/~maechler/
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