[Rd] as.numeric - Possible error (PR#870)

harald.fekjar@basalmed.uio.no harald.fekjar@basalmed.uio.no
Thu, 8 Mar 2001 16:20:21 +0100 (MET)

Full_Name: Harald Fekjær
Version: 1.22
OS: Windows 
Submission from: (NULL) (

Dear R developers

Is this done with purpose...:

In R I get:
> as.numeric(" ")
[1] 0 

> as.integer(" ")
[1] 0 

While in the same in S-PLUS returns:
> as.numeric(" ")
[1] NA 

> as.integer(" ")
[1] NA

For my applications, the later (S-PLUS) definitely makes most sense, but you my
have some good reasons for your choose?
(Anyway it is quite dangers with these differences when porting applications).

Thanks for a wonderful program!

Harald Fekjær, Oslo, Norway

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