[Rd] who frees dd and xd in X11_Open?

Thomas Vogels Thomas Vogels <tov@ece.cmu.edu>
16 Feb 2001 12:57:52 -0500

Peter Dalgaard BSA <p.dalgaard@pubhealth.ku.dk> writes:

> Prof Brian Ripley <ripley@stats.ox.ac.uk> writes:
> > > Date: Fri, 16 Feb 2001 09:04:45 +0100
> > > From: Adrian Trapletti <adrian@olsen.ch
> > 
> > > I don't know if it has something to do with this discussion, but it's
> > > probably worth reporting it.
> > > 
> > > Under
> > > SunOS pul 5.8 Generic sun4u sparc SUNW,Ultra-5_10
> > > R : Version 1.2.1  (2001-01-15)
> > > Fvwm95 Version 2.0.43a
> > > the window manager always crashes when I close an x11() device started
> > > within R.
> > 
> > This discussion is about png() and jpeg() devices.  We've had other
> > reports about FVWM, though.
> ...and they too refer to improper error handling by X11. I'm somewhat
> baffled by the effect reported, though. Surely, an application
> crashing the window manager is a bug in the latter, not the former?
> What we've heard of before is that closing X11 windows with the window
> manager crashes R, but this sounds like the other way around.

The question about freeing xd and dd comes indeed from my fiddling
with the X11 driver and understanding the code there...  As for the
current handleEvent: there are some events simply ignored (like the
DestroyNotify event) and some are not reaped due to the sequence of
events in X11_Close/R_ProcessEvents.  (And the way inclose is handled
is scary once you think of closing two windows at roughly the same
time...)  The events that linger after R is done shouldn't confuse the
window manager, though.

I've put my code, patches, comments, suggestions, etc. at:
I'd be curious whether R with the patched handleEvent still crashes
FVWM95.  Probably but who knows.


mailto:tov@ece.cmu.edu (Tom Vogels)   Tel: (412) 268-6638   FAX: -3204
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