[Rd] R INSTALL *.tgz fails (minor docs/feature bug) (PR#652)
Sat, 2 Sep 2000 22:58:51 +0200 (MET DST)
R Team,
I was attempting to install Lindsey's rmutil.tgz and other
non-CRAN packages using 'R INSTALL', for example 'R INSTALL rmutil.tgz'
after downloading 'rmutil.tgz' from Lindsey's page (as linked from
r-project.org page).
Directly using the compressed file as 'R INSTALL rmutil.tgz'
failed, though the shell help from 'R INSTALL --help' implied this would
However, when I simply renamed using 'mv rmutil.tgz rmutil' and
then ran 'R INSTALL rmutil', that worked.
Adding a note to rename the .tgz files without the .tgz
extension, or changing R INSTALL to allow filename extensions when
installing would be a nice ease-of-use feature.
(by the way, I was able to use R INSTALL rmutil if I unpacked
rmutil using 'cat rmutil.tgz | tar xvz' and then ran 'R INSTALL rmutil'.)
Keep up the Excellent Work,
p.s. Thanks for a wonderful piece of software. R is a real boon to my
------ Robert Otillar | UCSF Graduate Group in Biophysics ------
------ 833 Ashbury #2 | mailto:BobbyO@itsa.ucsf.edu ------
------ San Francisco, CA 94117 | http://bioinformatics.ucsf.edu/bobbyo ------
------ Tel. <send email> | Fax (415)759-6579 ------
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