[Rd] Graphics-Device-Size vs. Window-Size: R design flaw

Jens Oehlschlägel jens.oehlschlaegel@bbdo-interone.de
Fri, 17 Nov 2000 11:25:39 +0100

Dear Ross, Dear Paul,

thank you very much for this good news.

I am deeply impressed about the speed with which my suggestion has been
discussed and improvements are planned.
I can neither remember nor imagine this to happen with any piece of
commercial software.

I wish a relaxed weekend to all of you at r-devel who contribute to such an
important system.


>   Paul and I talked a little about this today.
>   The issue is really just a Gui one, not one for the
> underlying graphics
>   system.  Both the scrollbar approach and the window content scaling
>   one can be handled in a very superficial way by device
> drivers without
>   any changes at all to the underlying R graphics system.  (I suspect
>   that this is how Splus adresses the problem).
>   The behavior I want requires a deeper interaction with the graphics
>   system, but it is the behavior already in place.
>   Enabling the behaviors you and Brian prefer is just a
> matter of flicking
>   a switch in the driver so that it no longer tells the
> graphics system
>   when there has been a change in the window configuration and having
>   the driver handle the scaling or scrolling.
>   So, everyone can have what they want ...
>   The real problem is that we don't have enough of a Gui (yet) to make
>   the behavior happen in a cross-platform way.

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