[Rd] R CMD check bug

Kurt Hornik Kurt.Hornik@ci.tuwien.ac.at
Mon, 25 Dec 2000 10:59:48 +0100

>>>>> apjaworski  writes:

> The R check command has a slight error in it.   Line # 123 reads
>      $#ARGV <= 1 || die "no packages were specified";

> The logical comparison should be reversed and modified, so it reads

>      $#ARGV >= 0 || die "no packages were specified";

> The original bug gives somewhat unexpected results.  Since $#ARGV
> evaluates to the number of arguments minus 1, the check command works
> fine with 1 or 2 arguments but not with more than 2.

> Another, probably already known, cosmetic thing.  The nls package has
> the word Authors in the DESCRIPTION file and fails its check.  The
> word needs to read Author.

Thanks, both fixed.

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