[Rd] R CMD check bug

apjaworski@mmm.com apjaworski@mmm.com
Fri, 22 Dec 2000 11:30:35 -0600

The R check command has a slight error in it.   Line # 123 reads

     $#ARGV <= 1 || die "no packages were specified";

The logical comparison should be reversed and modified, so it reads

     $#ARGV >= 0 || die "no packages were specified";

The original bug gives somewhat unexpected results.  Since $#ARGV evaluates
to the number of arguments minus 1, the check command works fine with 1 or
2 arguments but not with more than 2.

Another, probably already known, cosmetic thing.  The nls package has the
word Authors in the DESCRIPTION file and fails its check.  The word needs
to read Author.


Andy Jaworski

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