error in split... (R 0.65.1) -- and patch (PR#294)
Thu, 21 Oct 1999 10:20:44 +0200 (MET DST)
Thanks for the report.
It is *not* a problem of the quotes (but how on earth do you get such
horrible factor levels with these extra quotes ?)
As a matter of fact, (and as ? tries to say)
the bug report should go to R-bugs, not R-devel;
and preferrably be completely reproducible (using builtin or constructed data)
Here it is, in its reproducible form
a <- gl(3,2,11, lab=LETTERS[1:3])
(aa <- interaction( a,a))
> split(seq(a), aa)
Error in split(x, f) : second argument must be a factor
The following is a patch (not fully tested, yet):
--- split.R 1999/07/30 14:25:56 1.3
+++ split.R 1999/10/21 08:18:34
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
split.default <-
function( x, f )
- f <- as.factor(f)
+ f <- factor(f) # drop extraneous levels
retval <- .Internal(split(x, f))
tony> Just saw the following which looked strange (Thomas, I'll bug you
tony> about it tommorow...):
tony> (ctl and group are factors, vectors of strings; ddna is a vector of
tony> #'s)
tony> Does it have to do with the number of quotes?
tony> <- interaction(ctl,group)
tony> my.list <- split(ddna,
tony> Error in split(x, f) : second argument must be a factor
tony> is.factor(
tony> [1] TRUE
tony> ### Thoughts? here's ctl and group (trimmed for space):
tony> ctl
tony> [1] \"CTL\" \"CTL\" \"CTL\" \"CTL\" \"CTL\" \"CTL\"
tony> [7] \"CTL\" \"CTL\" \"CTL\" \"CTL\" \"CTL\" \"CTL\"
tony> [1813] \"NONCTL\" \"NONCTL\" \"NONCTL\" \"NONCTL\" \"NONCTL\" \"NONCTL\"
tony> [1819] \"NONCTL\" \"NONCTL\"
tony> Levels: "CTL" "NONCTL"
tony> group
tony> [1] \"L\" \"P\" \"L\" \"P\" \"L\" \"R\" \"L\" \"L\" \"R\" \"R\" ..
tony> [13] \"R\" \"R\" \"R\" \"L\" \"R\" \"R\" \"R\" \"L\" \"L\" \"L\"..
tony> Levels: "A" "L" "P" "R"
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