Almost succesfull build on AIX
Martin Maechler
Martin Maechler <>
Thu, 8 Jul 1999 10:24:15 +0200
>>>>> Peter Dalgaard BSA <> writes:
PD> Thomas Vogels <> writes:
>> "Kurt" == Kurt Hornik <> writes:
> >> Here's the problem:
> >>> 1/0
> >> [1]INF
> >>> is.finite(1/0)
> >> [1] TRUE
>> Much to my surprise, a 'printf ("%g", 1/.0)' prints INF in a C
>> program. Should this not result in a floating point exception?
PD> Not according to IEEE specs (but integer divide by zero is
PD> generally unmaskable). The interesting thing is that is.finite
PD> returns TRUE on the result, and the printing also suggests that the
PD> infinite value is not recognised internally (if it were, it would
PD> get printed as
>> 1/0
PD> [1] Inf )
PD> It would be nice to see the actual bit pattern of 1/.0. Could one
PD> of you do something like
PD> x = 1/.0; printf("%0x,%0x\n", ((int *) &x)[0], ((int *) &x)[1]);
PD> or whatever other obfuscation works on AIX...
I've done more than Peter requested;
namely, the "finite" probing has always been a big problem on AIX,
and I rediscovered my old testing code -- which I enhanced with Peter's HEX
dump proposal:
[everything in !]
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#ifdef AIX
# include <fp.h>
main() {
double x,x2,x3;
printf("finite(1.0)= %d (=1, hopefully)\n", finite(1.0));
x=1./0.; x2= (-1.)/0.; x3 = 0./0.;
printf("Inf := 1/0 = %f;\t -Inf := -1/0 = %f;\t NaN:= 0/0 = %f\n",x, x2, x3);
printf("finite(x), f.(x2), f.(x3): %d %d %d (should all be 0)\n",
printf("Now the `bits':\n");
printf(" Inf : %0x,%0x\n", ((int *) &x )[0], ((int *) &x )[1]);
printf("-Inf : %0x,%0x\n", ((int *) &x2)[0], ((int *) &x2)[1]);
printf(" NaN : %0x,%0x\n", ((int *) &x3)[0], ((int *) &x3)[1]);
#ifdef AIX
printf("FINITE(x), f.(x2), f.(x3): %d %d %d (should all be 0)\n",
And I have this in my Makefile [also available on Web, s.above]
## on AIX (percol)
# better for R (defines cosh(.) AND fd_set(.) (sys/time.h):
My Conclusions:
- Only if I use these CFLAGS does finite work properly.
- The bit pattern are compiler-independent for +-Inf, but NOT for NaN :
Here is gcc [with above CFLAGS], gcc version, output:
finite(1.0)= 1 (=1, hopefully)
Inf := 1/0 = INF; -Inf := -1/0 = -INF; NaN:= 0/0 = NaNQ
finite(x), f.(x2), f.(x3): 0 0 0 (should all be 0)
Now the `bits':
Inf : 7ff00000,0
-Inf : fff00000,0
NaN : 7fffffff,ffffffff
FINITE(x), f.(x2), f.(x3): 0 0 0 (should all be 0)
xlc (the native AIX C compiler) gives the same BUT for the NaN bit pattern
where it has
NaN : 7ff80000,0
Martin Maechler <>
Seminar fuer Statistik, ETH-Zentrum SOL G1; Sonneggstr.33
ETH (Federal Inst. Technology) 8092 Zurich SWITZERLAND
phone: x-41-1-632-3408 fax: ...-1086 <><
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