locator(n=1) or (n=500) as S-plus ?
Martin Maechler
Martin Maechler <maechler@stat.math.ethz.ch>
Tue, 26 Jan 1999 10:53:48 +0100
>>>>> "MM" == Martin Maechler <maechler@stat.math.ethz.ch> writes:
MM> There's a non-compatibility between R and S-plus with the default
MM> argument of the locator() function.
MM> R has locator(n=1)
MM> S-plus has locator(n=500, type="n", noclick=F)
MM> S's default is ``better'' I think, insofar as it means in 99% of
MM> the cases ``user clicks <left> as many times as wanted and then
MM> clicks <right> to end''
MM> Ross Ihaka and his grad students are working on improving this
MM> interface, I believe, however, I'd propose to just change
MM> the default of n=1 to n=500 (or another "large" integer in order to
MM> not copy S exactly).
I got 0 feedback..
What about the following new locator()
which additionally adds a `msg' argument
The old behavior is got by
locator( *, msg="") or
locator(*, msg=NULL)
locator <- function(n = 512,
msg = "Click left to locate points; right to end")
do.msg <- is.character(msg) && nchar(msg) > 0
if(do.msg) cat(msg,": ",sep="")
z <- .Internal(locator(n))# n <= 0 gives error
if(do.msg) cat("\n")
x <- z[[1]]
y <- z[[2]]
if((n <- z[[3]]) > 0) list(x=x[1:n], y=y[1:n])
Would anyone not like the default of `msg' writing to the console?
I've often been startled by functions using locator() and not prompting
the user to do start clicking in the graphic window at all..
One could also use the new argument
prompt =
"Use the graphics window to locate points;\n click left to add, right to end"
Feedback welcome !!
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