locator(n=1) or (n=500) as S-plus ?

Martin Maechler Martin Maechler <maechler@stat.math.ethz.ch>
Tue, 19 Jan 1999 15:32:22 +0100

There's a non-compatibility between R and S-plus
with the default argument of the

R has		locator(n=1)
S-plus has	locator(n=500, type="n", noclick=F)

S's default is ``better'' I think, insofar as it means in 99% of the cases
	``user clicks <left> as many times as wanted
	  and then clicks <right> to end''

Ross Ihaka and his grad students are working on improving this interface, I
believe, however, I'd propose to just change

the default of n=1 to n=500 
(or another "large" integer in order to not copy S exactly).

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