Some outer() suggestions

Martin Maechler Martin Maechler <>
Mon, 18 Jan 1999 14:53:24 +0100

Thank you Jonathan, 
for your submitted suggestions.

to have a more generally working (and [dim]names preserving) "outer()"  has
been (some where low) on my todo list, for a while now.

Something for all R package / code writers :
When writing  *.Rd files {aka man pages}:
Please use at least one \keyword{...} line at the end
(use a keyword from  R.../doc/KEYWORDS
  ... are these in the Windows version?)
These are important for several indices (and may become more important in
the future).

A few more remarks of (half) general interest:

- Concerning "kronecker",  couldn't we use


  as an .Alias for the kronecker product (instead of "%kr%" which you proposed)
  Does anyone see a reason against it?

- [your new proposal]:

  Why should it give an error [stop()] instead of return NA or NULL or
  something like that when there's no function match ?

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