R help Web page

Martin Maechler Martin Maechler <maechler@stat.math.ethz.ch>
Wed, 9 Sep 1998 09:32:45 +0200

	[CC'ed to R-devel, since it should be of interest to more ..]

>>>>> "Guy" == Guy Nason <G.P.Nason@Bristol.ac.uk> writes:

    Guy> Dear Martin, Hope you are well. I am trying to start to get my
    Guy> [new] WaveThresh package working for R.

Great, thank you!

Can you make sure that your Examples (.EX in S syntax; \examples{..} in *.Rd)
are directly executable?
	1) no leading  ">"
	2) If you show output, precede it by "#"
	3) Use data() datasets or rnorm(.),..etc to construct data,
	   not just 'x','y' etc which may or may not exist.

    Guy> However, I cannot seem to
    Guy> access the R help files on the Web.

    Guy> The index page    http://stat.ethz.ch/R/manual  .....
    Guy> .. works fine. However,if I try to access help pages on the
    Guy> individual functions I get directed to
    Guy> http://stat.ethz.ch/library/base/html/library.dynam.html
    Guy> ...... (which fails) ....
    Guy> ......
    Guy> ...... [deleted]

Yes, this probably hasn't been working for quite a while now
(or maybe only since 0.62.3 ?)

In any case, I have corrected the problem, i.e., 
I actually made a new page accessible by


which provides access to
	1) R manual [help.start()] of currently released version
	2) Our mirror of CRAN
	3) R manual [help.start()] of current ALPHA NON-released version

Please let me know if you still find missing links!

Martin Maechler <maechler@stat.math.ethz.ch>	http://stat.ethz.ch/~maechler/
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