"fgrep" for help \\ IBM PowerPC AIX

Martin Maechler Martin Maechler <maechler@stat.math.ethz.ch>
Tue, 2 Jun 1998 15:53:51 +0200

>>>>> "TL" == Thomas Lumley <thomas@biostat.washington.edu> writes:

    TL> ......
    TL> Currently "%*%" doesn't have any help but help
    TL> requests get routed to Arith, because "%*%" as a regular expression
    TL> matches "%%". I will add this to the special cases in help(), but
    TL> should we use fgrep instead of grep in cmd/help?

Yes --- if  "fgrep" is available as widely as "grep".

	[can you check on your machine(s), dear R-develers?
	 any that doesn't have fgrep ??
		echo 'abcdef*' | fgrep 'c*d'
	 should NOT return anything]

I think it should be..  
just checked: it *is* available even on AIX 4.2;
a (PowerPC) system I got an account about ten days ago, because it's
owner and part-time maintainer wanted to run R.

  -  R 0.61.3   configure finds gcc and installs without any warning,
	R>  max(1)
	R> min(1:10)
	R> range(pi)

     which breaks almost everything.

  - R 0.62 configure finds  "xlc" a compiler which ``is said'' to be good,
    at least one of its warnings lead to me to look at src/appl/eigen.c
    and remove some extraneous definitions there....

    However, I haven't been able to compile there (link problems), and
    don't really have documentation about AIX, xlc, etc.

Has anyone have better knowledge and/or experiences with AIX?
Of course, I can give more details on how compilation fails.

I'm particularly interested in compilation success of 0.62 (development

Martin Maechler <maechler@stat.math.ethz.ch>			<><
Seminar fuer Statistik, ETH-Zentrum SOL G1;	Sonneggstr.33
ETH (Federal Inst. Technology)	8092 Zurich	SWITZERLAND
phone: x-41-1-632-3408		fax: ...-1086

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