R-alpha: rsept31.zip
Peter Dalgaard BSA
10 Oct 1997 12:20:12 +0200
Friedrich Leisch <Friedrich.Leisch@ci.tuwien.ac.at> writes:
> I tried rsept31.zip under Windows 3.11 yesterday and it didn't work
> at all ... the screen went black for a second and that was it.
> Any glue what I've done wrong? Should it work under 3.11 or only under
^^^^ That's a sticky issue, Fritz... ;)
> 95/NT?
You need to install win32s first. Available from ftp.microsoft.com and
various other places. Latest version (1.30c, I think) is very
descriptively called pw1118.exe. It's a 2.4MB self-extracting file
(which is causing me some trouble with providing it to students on
O__ ---- Peter Dalgaard Blegdamsvej 3
c/ /'_ --- Dept. of Biostatistics 2200 Cph. N
(*) \(*) -- University of Copenhagen Denmark Ph: (+45) 35327918
~~~~~~~~~~ - (p.dalgaard@biostat.ku.dk) FAX: (+45) 35327907
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