R-alpha: more graphics: lwd, persistent lty settings

Ben Bolker Ben Bolker <ben@eno.Princeton.EDU>
Tue, 29 Jul 1997 11:58:08 -0400 (EDT)

  [ SunOS 4.1.3, R-0.50-a1; I'm mostly very pleased, I haven't been
pounding on it as hard as some folks have ]
   par(lwd) seems to be a bit of a stub right now; I wouldn't necessarily
expect it to do anything in the x11() driver (nor would I know how to fix
it), but it would be nice in the postscript driver (e.g. for thick lines
for things to be made into slides).
   I will try to work on this, but I wouldn't mind if someone got there
before me.

  Also: the effects of setting lty are sometimes unnecessarily persistent
-- for example in the example below the box around the legend is drawn in
line type 2 (dashed) -- I would think that the GSavePars/GRestorePars
calls at the beginning and end of abline (in plot.c) ought to do the job,
but I haven't had time to go through it in detail ... 

x _ (1:100)/10

Benjamin Bolker          Dep't of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology,
ben@eno.princeton.edu    Princeton University
tel: (609) 258-6886,     fax: (609) 258-1334

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