R 2.10.1 is released
Peter Dalgaard
P.Dalgaard at biostat.ku.dk
Mon Dec 14 11:20:20 CET 2009
R-2.10.1.tar.gz was built a short while ago.
This is a maintenance release and fixes a number of mostly minor issues.
See the full list of changes below.
You can get it from
or wait for it to be mirrored at a CRAN site nearer to you. Binaries
for various platforms will appear in due course.
For the R Core Team
Peter Dalgaard
These are the md5sums for the freshly created files, in case you wish
to check that they are uncorrupted:
70447ae7f2c35233d3065b004aa4f331 INSTALL
433182754c05c2cf7a04ad0da474a1d0 README
4f004de59e24a52d0f500063b4603bcb OONEWS
ff4bd9073ef440b1eb43b1428ce96872 ONEWS
08687cc1d9e5bb23875c1182f9f9cb2d NEWS
d80a5c5808f038b36f79d8f0defaa0b9 THANKS
070cca21d9f8a6af15f992edb47a24d5 AUTHORS
a6f89e2100d9b6cdffcea4f398e37343 COPYING.LIB
eb723b61539feef013de476e68b5c50a COPYING
020479f381d5f9038dcb18708997f5da RESOURCES
4219bfcf875f995b84e5aebb1e02f3a5 FAQ
75f8b7e875b846ea96a4c6cc0abc00a4 R-2.10.1.tar.gz
75f8b7e875b846ea96a4c6cc0abc00a4 R-latest.tar.gz
Here is the relevant part of the NEWS file:
o The PCRE library has been updated to version 8.00.
o R CMD INSTALL has new options --no-R, --no-libs, --no-data,
--no-help, --no-demo, --no-exec, and --no-inst to suppress
installation of the specified part of the package. These are
intended for special purposes (e.g. building a database
of help pages without fully installing all packages).
o The documented line-length limit of 4095 bytes when reading
from the console now also applies also to parse(file="")
(which previously had a limit of around 1024 bytes).
o A Bioconductor mirror can be set for use by setRepositories()
via the option "BioC_mirror", e.g. the European mirror can be
selected by
o Double-clicking in a tk_select.list() list box now selects the
item and closes the list box (as happens on the Windows
select.list() widget).
o configure will be able to find a usable libtiff in some rare
circumstances where it did not previously (where libtiff
needed to be linked explicitly against -ljpeg).
o Making refman.pdf works around a problem with the indexing
with hyperref 6.79d and later.
o The 'extended' argument is deprecated in strsplit(), grep(),
grepl(), sub(), gsub(), regexpr() and gregexpr() (not just the
value extended = FALSE) and will be removed in R 2.11.0.
o trigamma(x) and other psigamma(x, n) calls are now accurate for
very large abs(x). (PR#14020)
o [g]sub(perl=FALSE, fixed=FALSE) could use excessive stack space
when used with a very long vector containing some non-ASCII
o The default method of weighted.mean(na.rm = TRUE) did not omit
weights for NA observations in 2.10.0. (PR#14032)
o [g]regexpr(pattern, fixed = TRUE) returned match positions in
bytes (not characters) in an MBCS locale if 'pattern' was a
single byte.
[g]sub(fixed = TRUE) with a single-byte pattern could
conceivably have matched part of a multibyte character in a
non-UTF-8 MBCS.
o findLineNum() and setBreakpoint() would sometimes fail if the
specified file was not in the current directory.
o Package tcltk's demo(tkdensity) was broken in 2.9.0 when demo()
was changed to set par(ask = TRUE).
o gsub() with backrefs could fail on extremely long strings
(hundreds of thousands of characters) due to integer overflow
in a length calculation.
o abline(*, untf=TRUE) now uses a better x-grid in log-scale, e.g.,
for plot(c(1,300), c(1,300), log="xy") ; abline(4,1, untf=TRUE).
o detach/unloadNamespace() arrange to flush the package's
lazyload cache of R objects once the package/namespace is no
longer needed.
o There have been small fixes to the rendering of help,
e.g. \command is now rendered verbatim (so e.g. -- is not
interpreted, PR#14045).
Also, there are many small changes to help files where the new
converters were not rendering them in the same way as before.
o available.packages() would fail when run on a repository
with no packages meeting the filtering conditions. (PR#14042)
o rep(x, times, each = 2) gave invalid results when the 'times'
argument is a vector longer than 'x'. Reported by Bill Dunlap.
o An error when unloadNamespace() attempted to run the .onUnload()
function gave an error in the reporting function and so was
not reported properly.
o Text help rendering did not handle very long input lines
o promptMethods() generated signature documentation improperly.
o pgamma(x, a, lower.tail=FALSE) and qgamma(..) are now
considerably more accurate in some regions for very small 'a'.
qgamma() now correctly returns 0 instead of NaN in similar
extreme cases, and qgamma() no longer warns in the case of
small 'a', see (PR#12324).
o unname() now also removes names from a zero length vector.
o Printing results from ls.str() no longer evaluates unevaluated
o complete.cases() failed on a 0-column data frame argument.
(Underlies PR#14066.)
It could return nonsensical results if no input determined the
number of cases (seen in the no-segfault tests).
o An error in nls() with a long formula could cause a segfault.
o qchisq(p, df, ncp, lower.tail = FALSE) with ncp >= 80 was
inaccurate for small p (as the help page said): it is now
less inaccurate. (In part, PR#13999.)
For ncp less than but close to 80, pchisq() and qchisq() are
more accurate for probablilities very close to 1 (a series
expansion was truncated slightly too early).
pchisq(x, df, ncp) can no longer return values just larger
than one for large values of ncp.
o intToUtf8() could fail when asked to produce 10Mb or more
strings, something it was never intended to do: unfortunately
Windows crashed R (other OSes reported a lack of resources).
o chisq.test() could fail when given argument 'x' or 'y' which
deparsed to more than one line. (Reported by Laurent Gauthier.)
o S4 methods are uncached whenever the name space containing
them is unloaded (by unloadNamespace() as well as by
detach(unload = TRUE)).
o The internal record-keeping by dyn.load/dyn.unload was
incomplete, which could crash R if a DLL that registered
.External routines had earlier been unloaded.
o bessel[JY](x, nu) with nu a negative integer (a singular case)
is now correct, analogously to besselI(), see PR#13556, below.
o tools::file_path_as_absolute() doubled the file separator when
applied to a file such as "/vmunix" or (on Windows) "d:/afile"
in a directory for which getwd() would return a path with a
trailing separator (largely cosmetic, as reasonable file
systems handle such a path correctly). (Perhaps what was
meant by PR#14078.)
o unsplit(drop = TRUE) applied to a data frame failed to pass
'drop' to the computation of row names. (PR#14084)
o The "difftime" method of mean() ignored its 'na.rm' argument.
o tcltk::tk_select.list() is now more likely to remove the
widget immediately after selection is complete.
o Adding/subtracting a "difftime" object to/from a "POSIXt" or
"Date" object works again (it was broken by the addition of
o Conversion to latex of an Rd file with no aliases failed.
o wilcox.test(*, conf.int=TRUE) has achieved.level corrected and, for
exact=FALSE, now gives an 'estimate' which does not depend on the
alternative used.
o help.search() failed when the package argument was specified.
o switch(EXPR = "A") now returns NULL, as switch(1) {which used to
signal an error}.
O__ ---- Peter Dalgaard Øster Farimagsgade 5, Entr.B
c/ /'_ --- Dept. of Biostatistics PO Box 2099, 1014 Cph. K
(*) \(*) -- University of Copenhagen Denmark Ph: (+45) 35327918
~~~~~~~~~~ - (p.dalgaard at biostat.ku.dk) FAX: (+45) 35327907
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