R-1.3.0 for OS X (with X11/tcl/tk, and gnome support)
Jan de Leeuw
deleeuw at stat.ucla.edu
Sat Jun 23 00:40:58 CEST 2001
At http://www.stat.ucla.edu/~deleeuw/R you can now find
R-1.3.0-OSX.tar.gz (it's about 22 MB)
This file has support for X11, tcl/tk, and gnome. It uses many
dynamic libs, which are NOT included. If you need one (because
R cannot find foo.dylib, just ask me, I'll send it, and you put it in
the appropriate
place). You could also install Xfree/XDarwin, plus dlcompat,
plus all the gnome stuff from fink (fink.sourceforge.net) -- but
that will take some time. This version has been build with f2c,
not with the new f77.
You unzip and untar in /, everything is put in /usr/local (so
you probably must sudo).
The file also contains compiled versions of the following
packages (latest versions):
AnalyzeIO acepack curve gee
lokern nlrq regexp strucchange
CoCoAn akima cxx geoR
lpridge nls repeated survival
Devore5 ash date gld
lqs nnet rmeta syskern
GLMMGibbs base dse1 gnlm
maptree norm rmutil tcltk
GenKern bindata dse2 gregmisc
maxstat npConfRatio rpart tensor
GeneSOM boot dsepadi grid
mclust odesolve scatterplot3d tframe
KernSmooth bootstrap e1071 growth
mda ordinal sem tree
MASS bqtl eda gss
mgcv panel sgeostat tripack
Oarray car ellipse hpower
modreg permax sm ts
PHYLOGR cclust ensemble ineq
monitor pinktoe sma tseries
PTAk cfa event juice
muhaz pls sn twostage
R.css class event.chart lattice
multidim polymars sna wavethresh
R2HTML cluster exactRankTests leaps
multiv polynom spatial xgobi
RMySQL cmprsk fdim lgtdl
mva princurve splancs xtable
RandomFields coda foreign lmtest
mvtnorm pspline splines zmatrix
Rstreams cramer fracdiff locfit
netCDF quadprog stable
SuppDists ctest gafit logspline
nlme quantreg stepfun
Jan de Leeuw; Professor and Chair, UCLA Department of Statistics;
US mail: 9432 Boulter Hall, Box 951554, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1554
phone (310)-825-9550; fax (310)-206-5658; email: deleeuw at stat.ucla.edu
homepage: http://www.stat.ucla.edu/~deleeuw
No matter where you go, there you are. --- Buckaroo Banzai
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