DSC 2001 Proceedings Announcement

Achim Zeileis zeileis at ci.tuwien.ac.at
Tue Apr 24 17:50:32 CEST 2001

We are pleased to announce that the proceedings of the

  2nd International Workshop on Distributed Statistical Computing
  March 15-17, 2001, Technische Universität Wien, Vienna, Austria

are now available online at


Citing Thomas Lumley's conference summary:

``DSC 2001: Cooperation between programs (and programmers)

  There were about 30 presentations over the three days of the
  conference, with speakers from universities, industrial research
  groups, and software companies in twelve countries. Despite the
  programmed sessions' running about 30% over time there was lively
  discussion over coffee and lunch and in during the conference's social

  DSC 2001 emphasized the value of high quality open source software as
  a statistical research platform but also for the ultimate goal of
  delivering modern statistical methods to those with little knowledge
  of (or interest in) statistical computing.''

Table of Contents:


 Thomas Lumley           DSC 2001: Cooperation between
                         programs (and programmers)


 Anna Bartkowiak         A Set of XLispStat Subroutines
                         for Detecting Outliers
 Douglas Bates, Saikat   C++ Classes for R Objects
 Roger Bivand            R and geographical information
                         systems, especially GRASS
 Vince Carey             GEE solvers: case studies in
                         DSC design and implementation
 Peter Dalgaard          The R-Tcl/Tk interface
 John W. Eaton           Octave: Past, Present and
 Robert Gentleman        Modeling with Objects
 Richard M. Heiberger    Emacs Speaks Statistics: One
                         Interface - Many Programs
 Torsten Hothorn, David  R/S Interfaces to Databases
 A. James,
 Brian D. Ripley
 Stefano Iacus           R porting for the Macintosh
 Ross Ihaka              R Graphics - The Good, the Bad,
                         and the Ugly
 Thomas Lumley           Orca [ R [ RJava]]
 Duncan Murdoch          RGL: An R Interface to OpenGL
 Paul Murrell            R Lattice Graphics
 Balasubramanian         JDiehard: An implementation of
 Narasimhan              Diehard in Java
 Erich Neuwirth, Thomas  Embedding R in Standard
 Baier                   Software, and the other way
 Erich Neuwirth          R sings - or using R to sonify
 B. D. Ripley, R. M.     Applications of R Clients and
 Ripley                  Servers
 Anthony Rossini         Literate Statistical Analysis
 Duncan Temple Lang,     GGobi meets R: an extensible
 Deborah F. Swayne       environment for interactive
                         dynamic data visualization
 Duncan Temple Lang      Embedding S in Other Languages
                         and Environments
 Martin Theus            What dataminers want
 Luke Tierney            Compiling R: A Preliminary
 Antony Unwin            R objects, two interfaces! (R
                         objects to interfaces?)
 Mikko Virtanen          Distributing data to different
                         platforms using XML
 Gregory R. Warnes       Hydra: A Java library for
                         Markov Chain Monte Carlo
 Hengyi Xue, E. James    JavaStat: A Distributed
 Harner                  Statistical Computing
 Gilles Zumbach, Adrian  Orla: A data flow programming
 Trapletti               system for processing very
                         large time series

For the organizing committee
Achim Zeileis

Institut für Statistik
Technische Universtiät Wien
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