Binaries of R 1.2.2 for Ms Windows at CRAN

Guido Masarotto guido at
Mon Mar 5 09:22:36 CET 2001

Windows binaries at CRAN (bin/windows/Windows-NT/base) have been updated 
to R-1.2.2.  See below for a list of Windows-specific changes.

guido masarotto
(for the R-core team)

		Windows-specific changes to R

The long-running saga of importing R metafiles into Word is over;
lines are now visible in screen previews in Word.  It was necessary to
use `geometric' rather than `cosmetic' pens to achieve scalable line
widths in metafiles: Word was failing to show lines drawn with
`cosmetic' pens.

bringToTop() now works with MDI child windows as well as SDI windows.

Rcmd build/check use a different check for a directory, to work around
a bug in (some versions of) Windows Perl.

The datetime code has been modified to work around a problem reported
on a Win98 machine which caused times to be reported in GMT.  (This
seems a bug in a particular version of msvcrt.dll and few machines
were affected.)  A side-effect of the changes is that the timezone
names reported are usually more sensible (but sometimes less).

File etc/Makeconf-tests was missing from

Rcmd SHLIB now supports compilation from C++ sources.

Rterm now saves and resets the console window title.

On Win2k, system(intern=TRUE) was failing to reset stderr to the console.

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