Parse Errors

Don Wingate Don.Wingate at
Tue Oct 3 18:34:56 CEST 2000

Dear R Development Team,

Using Thomas Baier's R Com Server -- or a dll I am building which supports
an evaluate function that is based on Baier's function R_Proxy_evaluate
contained in proxy_impl.c -- when I issue an invalid command to R such as
"plo(x)" the program crashes. There is code in R_Proxy_evaluate to test for
a parse error before actually generating code and issuing the command - He
calls R_Parse1Buffer(&lBuffer,0,&lStatus) and then tests the value of
lStatus for parse error. The trouble is that lStatus == PARSE_OK even though
the command is invalid, so the evaluation continues until eval() is called,
at which point R terminates and crashes the program.  (It does write an
error message to the console first, but crashes after that.)

Is there a way to handle this? The same command can be issued inside
RGui.exe or RTerm.exe with out a problem.

Thankyou, Don Wingate.

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