R-1.1.0 is released

Peter Dalgaard BSA p.dalgaard at biostat.ku.dk
Thu Jun 15 11:35:23 CEST 2000

I've rolled up R-1.1.0.tgz a moment ago. 

You can get it from




or wait for it to be mirrored at a CRAN site near you within a day or two.

There's also a version split in three for floppies if you prefer that.

	For the R Core Team,

	Peter D.

Here's the relevant bit of the NEWS file:



    o	There are several changes to the compile and link flags, and
	an attempt is made to use /usr/local/include and
	/usr/local/lib on all platforms.  Please read config.site and
	INSTALL if you have set flags for previous versions.

    o	New package tcltk, providing interface and language bindings for
	the Tcl/Tk graphical interface toolkit. This makes it possible
	to do some rather nifty things with buttons and entry fields
	and so forth in very few lines of code.  It is still somewhat
	experimental so don't go churning out thousands of lines of
	GUI code and then blame us for changing the API later on. It does
	not currently work with GNOME because of event loop differences.
	See demo(tkttest) and demo(tkdensity). 

    o	Internally using global R_Expressions [getOption("expressions")]
	dramatically speeds up eval.c.

    o	The X11 support code is now in a separate shared library, and
	flag --gui=none will run R without X11 support (and so x11()
	and data.entry() will not be available).  R BATCH sets --gui=none.

    o	Configuring without X (e.g. --without-x) does work (at last).
	configure will report if X11 support has been included.
	If R has been built without X11 the default GUI is "none".

    o	GNOME support files have moved from src/gnome to src/unix/gnome
	and the code is now in a separate shared library.  Both
	--gui=GNOME and --gui=gnome are allowed.

	The main graphics device for use with GNOME is now called
	gtk(); the x11() device from the X11 support can also be used.
	(The gnome() device remains unreliable, and is by default

	All GNOME support now installs in R_HOME/gnome to make it
	easier to package separately.

    o	Command line option `-g' can now be used as short version of

    o	The "keep.source" option now defaults to interactive()
	instead of TRUE.

    o	Many interface enhancements to the data editor, which now uses
	(by default) variable-width columns and much less redrawing.
	See ?dataentry for a description of the current user interface.

    o	R under Unix can be sent SIGUSR1 to quit and save or SIGUSR2
	to quit and save without running .Last and on.exit

    o	Added ability to use the graphics device driver to perform
	horizontal justification of strings.  This is used in the
	x11(), windows(), postscript() and xfig() drivers and will
	lead to more accurate placing of centred or right-justified

    o	Formulas created with the tilde operator now contain the
	environment in which they were created.  The environment of a
	formula can be accessed with the environment() function.  This
	facility is still experimental; it is intended to help
	simplify writing modeling functions.

    o	$ and $<- are now generic functions.

    o	add1.glm() and drop1.glm() now allow test="F", which is
	appropriate for models with estimated dispersion.

    o	approx() and approxfun() have an extra argument ties= to control
	handling of tied x values

    o	New function as.symbol(), identical to as.name().
	is.symbol and is.name() are now identical by definition;
	before, they were equivalent by implementation.

    o	attach() now works for R data files.

    o	axis() now has additional arguments.  The argument "tick" turns
	tick drawing on and off (on by default).  Additional arguments
	line, pos, and outer; allow more flexible placement of axes.

    o	New device bitmap(), like dev2bitmap() but a stand-alone device.

    o	boxplot() returns (and bxp() accepts) a list containing the summary
	statistics for the boxes (changed from a list of elements one for
	each box).

    o	file="|cmd" is allowed (to pipe output to `cmd'), under cat()
	and postscript() and functions that use them (for example, write()).

    o	New functions chartr() for general-purpose character translation
	in character vectors, and tolower() and toupper() for converting
	alphabetic characters to lower-case and upper-case, respectively.

    o	coplot() has new option subscripts=TRUE to pass the indices
	to the panel function.

    o	cor.test(method="spearman") might give slightly better P values,
	since it now relies on pnorm() (with proper tail) instead of alnorm.

    o	dbinom() works for size=0 (where appropriate).

    o	New trivial function det() for determinant computation
	(the example in ?qr did not seem to be sufficient).

    o	If present in the package, a function .Last.lib will be called
	when a package is detached.

    o	New function dev.copy2eps() copies the current device to an eps
	file, taking the size from that of the device.

    o	dev.print() now prints if possible, and takes the size from
	the device being copied.

    o	edit() or fix() applied to a numeric or character matrix now
	uses the data editor, if available.

    o	edit.data.frame() edits factors in character mode by default,
	and will allow the row names to be edited, by default if they
	are not 1:nrow(name).

    o	expand.model.frame() for adding variables to a model frame.

    o	The handling of estimating the dispersion in glm() fits has been
	changed for consistency across methods.	 For `binomial' and
	`poisson' families the dispersion is always taken as one.
	For `quasibinomial' and `quasipoisson' families it is always
	estimated (by residual chisq/residual df).

    o	Using "~" when specifying lib.loc (for example to help() or
	library()) is now supported.

    o	image() has a new argument "breaks" and divides the zlim range
	into equal-length intervals.

    o	install.packages() and update.packages() have a new `destdir'
	argument for the directory to which to download the packages.

    o	New function interaction.plot().

    o	Internal cleanup of lapply()'s C code.

    o	library(), require(), and sys.source() have a new argument
	` keep.source = getOption("keep.source.pkgs") '.
	This defaults to false, but can be set (also for base) to true
	by setting the environment variable R_KEEP_PKG_SOURCE to "yes"

    o	Par `lty' in lines() now defaults to par("lty") not "solid",
	for consistency with plot().

    o	list.files() [aka dir()]: path argument has now default = "."

    o	locator() allows inline graphics parameters (for the plotting
	it does with type !="n").

    o	New function max.col() from MASS, thanks to V&R.

    o	nlm() can now take additional arguments in ... to be passed to f.

    o	par() returns elements in alphabetical order, and "ann" as a
	logical (not integer).

    o	.Platform has a new component GUI specifying the GUI in use
	(which might be "unknown").

    o	plot.formula() searches for a plot method for the left-side of the
	formula before searching for a plot method for the right-side of
	the formula.

    o	New bitmap devices png() and jpeg() on Unix/X11. (They were
	already available on Windows.)

    o	postscript(print.it=TRUE) now does print the plot file.
	postscript(onefile=FALSE) now produces multiple separate files.

    o	provide() is now deprecated.

    o	New function quade.test() in package ctest for the Quade test
	for unreplicated blocked data.

    o	quantile(x, probs) now propagates NA/NaN in probs.

    o	Option for user-supplied normal random generator in RNGkind().

    o	read.fwf() is no longer dependent on Perl.

    o	New arguments check.names and strip.white to read.table() and

    o	Functions recordPlot() and replayPlot() save a plot to an R
	variable and replay it.

    o	residuals.lm() also allows types "partial" and "response"
	as residuals.glm().

    o	Added col option to rug().

    o	scale() is now generic with scale.default method.

    o	New "call. = TRUE" argument for stop(), and
	new function  stopifnot(.) -- to be used in "make check".

    o	str(.) has a new optional argument "nchar.max = 128" and truncates
	strings longer than that.  Also eliminated a few minor glitches.

    o   The symbols() function is now implemented.

    o	New function termplot() with similar functionality to
	plot.gam() in S.

    o   The parameters to title() which specify the labels may now
        be specified as a list containing the parameter together
	with additional modifying par values (cex, col, font) which
	affect just that label.

	title() also has new line and outer arguments which provide
	functionality which matches that in axis().

    o	New functions which.min() amd which.max().

    o	The Wilcoxon and Ansari-Bradley tests now optionally return
	confidence intervals for the location or scale parameter of

    o	New argument `extend' to window() (and updated documentation).

    o	write.table() can now write CSV files in the format Excel expects.

    o	New device xfig() to produce XFig files.

    o	New xyz.coords() utility function to be used for 3D highlevel plots.

    o	R CMD build now also works for package bundles.

    o	Rdconv allows an output file to be specified.

    o	Initial support for C++ source code in add-on packages under Unix.

    o	Mathlib can be built as a standalone library: see directory


    o	The Mathlib functions now use exactly the same values for
	+/-Inf, NaN and NA as the rest of R in all cases.

    o	Improved automatic remaking.

    o	option keep.source was not set correctly before the base
	package was loaded: some functions in the base package had
	the source kept.  The memory usage should now be reduced by ca 1Mb.

    o	The base file is no longer closed twice in case of a syntax
	error (caused segfault on Linux).

    o	The X11 data editor scrolls cells and so allows more than ca 10
	characters to be entered.  Several interface/redraw errors
	have been corrected.

    o	Using `destroy' or `close' on the X11 data editor window killed R.

    o	Multiple `destroy' events or X11 errors killed R (PR#400).

    o	Warnings from .Last or closing devices are printed where
	sensible (e.g. not on GNOME nor Windows console).

    o	add1.glm() and drop1.glm gave() incorrect results in the "Chisq"
	test option when the scale was estimated.

    o	aggregate() applied to multiple time series lost the series names.

    o   as.hclust.twins() in package mva sets method=NA (PR#538)

    o	ave(1:3) now works (as when is.null(list()) was TRUE years ago).

    o	barplot(c(0.1, 0.5, 1), ylim = c(0, 1)) now works: [xy]axs="i"
	and exact limits now labels the limits.

    o	by() works when embedded in a function.

    o	The xlab and ylab in coplot() now set the x and y axis labels,
	as in S.  Supply a second component to label the conditioning

    o	count.fields() and read.table() now have the same default
	quote = "\"'".

    o	guard against segfault in dataentry(x<-1, Modes = plot), and the like.

    o	dev.print() now checks if the current device is replayable
	(and not all devices were, despite the documentation).

    o	The gtk() device (formerly x11() under GNOME) was incorrectly
	returning character information, so in particular `*' was
	wrongly centred as a plotting symbol.

    o	is.qr() checks not only for $qr, but also for $rank & $qraux, PR#482.

    o	library() will not leave the package on the search path if
	loading fails (including if .First.lib fails).

    o	lqs(, method="S") rounded k0 on passing to C.

    o	na.omit() now handles vectors and matrices as well as data

    o	plot.lm(*, which=4) now works thanks to Marcel Wolbers.

    o	postscript() now uses the options "papersize" and "printcmd"
	rather than the values of R_PAPERSIZE in the environment
	and R_PRINTCMD found at build time.

    o	postscript() now makes use of kerning information in computing
	string widths.

    o	M <- 2 ; print(ppr(.., nterms = M))  now works.

    o	ppr(, sm.method="spline") had an internal limit of 250 rows:
	this is now 2500 and is now checked.

    o	predict.lm(,type="terms",se.fit=T) gives correct standard errors
	(thanks to John Maindonald)

    o	print.ftable() now returns its argument.

    o	proj.aovlist() now gives a non-zero result for strata with
	no fitted effects.

    o	qnorm() is now based on AS 241 instead of AS 111, and should
	give precise results up to 16 digits precision.

    o	rgeom(, prob=1) gives 0 rather than NA

    o	rpois(*, lambda) now works when lambda > .Machine$integer.max

    o	strheight("X") with no active device would segfault.

    o	system() is now (partially) functional on systems without popen.

    o	Fixed bug in undoc() - requiring new `chdir' argument
	for sys.source()

    o	Fixed problem in usemethod() where CAR(call) could be non-symbol.

    o	The x11() device no longer crashes R if a font is not found,
	and will warn if there is a size mismatch of more than 10%.

    o	R CMD Rd2dvi now sorts files alphabetically.

    o	Rdconv now reports if an invalid type is specified (rather
	than using latex).

    o	Support for Rd conversion to Sd has been reinstated (it was
	unintentionally removed along with nroff-based conversion to text).

    o	\deqn{} fix in R-exts.texi, PR#523.

    o	Linpack.h now makes clear which routines are actually in R.

    o	Entry-point "pythag" is now loaded even though it is not
	necessarily used in R.  Where "hypot" is available pythag
	just calls hypot after checking for special values.

    o	call_R will now correctly handle character vector arguments.

    o   The alphabet links on top of HTML function indices with more than
	100 entries now contain only the letters which are really
	first letters of at least one entry.

   O__  ---- Peter Dalgaard             Blegdamsvej 3  
  c/ /'_ --- Dept. of Biostatistics     2200 Cph. N   
 (*) \(*) -- University of Copenhagen   Denmark      Ph: (+45) 35327918
~~~~~~~~~~ - (p.dalgaard at biostat.ku.dk)             FAX: (+45) 35327907
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