R-0.99.0 is released

Peter Dalgaard BSA p.dalgaard at biostat.ku.dk
Mon Feb 7 13:56:24 CET 2000

I've rolled up R-0.99.0.tgz a moment ago. 

You can get it from




or wait for it to be mirrored at a CRAN site near you within a day or two.

There's also a version split in three (!) for floppies if you prefer

The next release is to be 1.0.0 at the end of this month, and you may
consider this as a prerelease of that. I.e. this is your chance to
help us making version 1.0.0 as bug-free as possible.

Notice that GNOME support is still experimental. In particular,
plotting of mathematical formulas is pretty much out of whack at the

	For the R Core Team,

	Peter D.

Here's the relevant bit of the NEWS file:



    o	The ``Introduction to R'' manual, in doc/manual.
	The ``Writing R Extensions'' manual is much enhanced for
	this release.

    o	The format for save/load has been changed. Workspaces and
	objects saved in earlier versions can be loaded into this
	version, but not conversely. Use save() or save.image() with
	argument oldstyle=TRUE to save in the old format if you need to.

    o	The header files for C code have been reorganised. The
	preferred header file for user code is now "R.h", and
	ancillary files such as Arith.h now need to be referred to
	as "R_ext/Arith.h". The `Writing R Extensions' manual now
	contains the beginnings of a description of the public API and
	how to use it.

    o	Many of the exported symbols have been remapped or hidden. This
	means that code using Rdefines.h or Rinternals.h or Mathlib.h
	will need to be re-compiled, and code using Applic.h may do

	Many packages will need to be re-installed for use with this

    o	The random number generation interface has changed, although
	saved .Random.seed's will work unchanged. The default
	generator is now Marsaglia's multicarry, and the Mersenne
	Twister GFSR and Knuth's Fibonacci subtraction are also
	available.  The type of normal generation can be selected by
	RNGkind() (and is encoded in .Random.seed).

	The new function set.seed() which uses a single integer to set
	the random number seeds is now the recommended way to do so.

	It is now possible for a user to plug-in in a new RNG written
	in C: consult ?Random and ?Random-user for the details.

    o	All the DPQ {probability density quantile} functions have new
	arguments, "lower_tail = TRUE" and "log{_p} = FALSE".  This allows
	more precise results when values would be close to 0 or 1.

    o	R CMD Rd2dvi has new options --pdf, --title and --output.

    o	New fields Date, URL and Title in the DESCRIPTION file of
	packages. The Title field replaces the separate TITLE file of
	packages, which is no longer necessary.

    o	residuals.lm() has a "type" argument, as S does.

    o	The underlying code for nlm has been translated from Fortran
	to C and made re-entrant (changes contributed by Saikat DebRoy).

    o	optimize() can now be used recursively.

    o	New suite of optimization methods optim(), covering
	Nelder-Mead, BFGS quasi-Newton and conjugate-gradients methods
	for unconstrained minimization and maximization with and
	without derivatives.

	optim() also allows box constraints (interval bounds on
	individual variables) in its limited-memory BFGS option.

    o	R now compiles in the GNU version of regex, so regular
	expressions (grep, sub, gsub, regexpr, "pattern" in ls) are
	always available. The class of regular expressions supported
	is now slightly wider on some Unix platforms.

    o	package ctest (for classical tests) is now part of the base
	distribution, and also contains chisq.test, prop.test and
	t.test which previously were in package base. These three
	functions are auto-loaded from ctest.

    o	New utility `R CMD build' for building add-on packages along
	with some useful testing and cleaning up.

    o	Conversion of .Rd help files to text format is done in Perl,
	and no longer requires nroff.  This makes the conversion 8-bit
	clean and more accurate.

    o	Building help for a package now removes help files that no
	longer exist in the source.

    o	strsplit() now uses split regexps, and no longer insists on
	splitting into non-empty tokens.

    o	Long-named options with arguments such as `--vsize' now use the
	`--name=VALUE' form; the old `--name VALUE' is deprecated.
	The old-style command line options `-v' and `-n' are now defunct.

    o	par("cxy") { == par("cin")/par("pin") in user coordinates}
	for S compatibility.

    o	If R_PAPERSIZE is not specified otherwise, configure now tries
	to compute it by calling paperconf.

    o	The deprecated alternative RPROFILE is no longer accepted: use
	R_PROFILE instead.

    o	Added setequal() for set equality.

    o	First argument renamed to "package" for library(), require(),

    o	model.frame() now accepts data= arguments that can be coerced to
	data frames.

    o	Help files can now contain \describe groups.

    o	Hyperlinks in help files can now use LaTeX special characters.

    o	rstandard() now also works for glm objects.

    o	glm drops 0-weight observations when fitting so that the
	output is compatible with lm.influence() and plot.lm().

    o	New function ftable() for creating and manipulating flat
	contingency tables.

    o	New function cutree() for cutting hclust trees in package
	mva.  New functions rect.hclust() and identify.hclust().

    o	Under Unix, the default editor is obtained from the environment
	variables EDITOR or VISUAL if either is set.

    o	New command line option `--gui' to specify the graphical user
	interface under Unix.  Currently, possible values are `X11' (the
	(default) and `GNOME', provided that GNOME support is available.
	Command line options \`-g' and `--gnome' are defunct.

    o	power.t.test() and power.prop.test() functions added for power and
	sample size calculations.

    o	edit() is now generic and a new edit.data.frame() function
	calls up the spreadsheet data editor. This is still rather
	rudimentary, since the data editor really only knows about
	numeric and character vectors.

    o	Modifications to the data editor so that one can use ESC to
	quit a partial cell entry and entering an empty cell causes
	the element to be set to NA.

    o	prop.table() and margin.table() functions (these are *really* trivial).

    o	R INSTALL checks the Depends field of DESCRIPTION if the
	currently running version of R meets an R
	dependency. old.packages() reports only packages conforming
	to the current version of R. New function
	package.dependencies() for parsing and checking dependencies.

    o	options("expressions") now does something, and the evaluation
	depth is checked on all platforms (not just Macintosh). This
	will catch infinite recursions gracefully.

    o	The default number of cons cells (`nsize') is now 350k (it
	was 250k).  This reflects the added base code and packages,
	and increases memory usage by about 2Mb (on a 32-bit machine).

    o	Some simple multiple comparison procedures: p.adjust() for
	generic adjustment of a set of p values by variants of the
	Bonferroni method; pairwise.t.test, pairwise.wilcox.test,
	pairwise.prop.test for pairwise comparisons of grouped data
	and proportions.

    o	Error / warning calls with a long description of the call are
	split into two lines. (This helps avoid scrolling in the
	Windows GUI.)

    o	lapply() is now internal and substantially faster (7% overall
	speed-up on the tests for the base package).

    o	apply() no longer names the output dimensions unless FUN returns
	a result with names, and the same names for every result.

    o	contour() can (at last) label contours by level.

    o	persp() labels its axes.

    o	scan() and read.table() now have a dec= argument to set the
	decimal point character. If sep= is set, quoting of strings is
	now possible and follows the conventions for comma-separated
	files. This should make it easier to read the "continental
	CSV" format (fields separated by semicolon and using comma as
	decimal point).	 The set of quoting characters has also been
	made optional. Variants of read.table(), read.csv() and
	read.csv2() have been defined

    o	HDF5 support is gone from the R distribution, and provided by an
	add-on package available from CRAN.

    o	New function getOption() for retrieving the value of a single

    o	read.table.url() and related functions now use download.file,
	which has an extra "socket" method for direct HTTP socket
	connection. download.file has new option ``quiet''.

    o	pairs.default() has an oma argument to allow users to override
	the internal setting of that graphics parameter.

    o	princomp() in package mva allows the user to specify the
	covariance matrix (and hence use, e.g. cov.mve).


    o	svd(matrix(2,1,0)),
	arma0f(NULL), cancor(F,F) and prcomp(F[F]) no longer segfault.

    o	loess.smooth(F[F],F[F]) and supsmu(F[F],F[F]) no longer segfault.

    o	save(1, file = ""[F])  no longer segfaults.

    o	stop(list()) and warning(list()) no longer segfault.

    o	system(""[F]) and save(1, file = ""[F])	 no longer segfault.

    o	Overflow of the pointer protection stack is handled correctly

    o	predict.glm(, type="link", se.fit=T) works

    o	str() now works with Surv(.) objects from library(survival5).

    o	all.equal(-Inf, -1e5) now gives "Mean absolute difference: Inf"
	instead of "Mean relative  difference: NaN".

    o	strsplit fix broke copy.url.

    o	0 ^ -1 == Inf  and  min(NA, NaN) is now always NA

    o	R CMD xxx sets $R_HOME/bin to be first in PATH

    o	Added more warnings to update.packages & friends. New function
	old.packages for better control of update.packages.

    o	Adding matrices to data frames now happens column by column as
	documented, so character or logical matrices generate factor

    o	Formulae containing interactions with the response were
	handled incorrectly by model.matrix, giving wrong answers or crashes.

    o	anova(lm(.)) with 0 weights now works.

    o	plot.lm(), dffits(), covratio() now do the right thing for weighted
	lm regression.

    o	formatC(as.integer(c(1,0,NA))) now works. PR#394, thanks to Jens O.-A.

    o	format.char(.) is much faster for long vector argument [Jens O.-A.]

    o	\enumerate now enumerates in text conversion of .Rd files.

    o	glm() no longer fails with names<- errors in cases where
	observations with fits on the mu.eta boundary have been dropped.

    o	Deviance residuals could be NaN instead of 0 by rounding error.

    o	shapiro.test(x) now gives better error messages (eg. x=rep(1,5))
	and doesn't print ANYTHING anymore (in some cases).

    o	mode(as.formula(paste("~", paste(1:50, collapse="+")))[2]) now works.

    o	glm() now handles cases with numerically 0 or 1 fitted values in
	binomial and numerically 0 in poisson correctly. (Previously
	these observations were dropped even though the variances were
	also numerically 0.)

    o	(-4 + 0i) ^ (1/2)  now gives 2i.

    o	system.time() now does sensible things in the non-HAVE_TIMES
	case, and that and proc.time() have better documentation.

    o	A couple of bugs in the data editor spreadsheet have been

    o	Elapsed time in proc.time() is no longer rounded to whole
	seconds under Unix.

    o	Assigning character vectors to subsets of data frames now
	works correctly (it used to assign the numeric codes of factors).

    o	Extensive enhancements and corrections to the help pages.

    o	The possibility of buffer overruns during printing has been
	much reduced, and eliminated on systems with vsnprintf.

   O__  ---- Peter Dalgaard             Blegdamsvej 3  
  c/ /'_ --- Dept. of Biostatistics     2200 Cph. N   
 (*) \(*) -- University of Copenhagen   Denmark      Ph: (+45) 35327918
~~~~~~~~~~ - (p.dalgaard at biostat.ku.dk)             FAX: (+45) 35327907
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