Debian GNU/Linux package of R-0.62.4

Douglas Bates bates at
Tue Nov 10 18:13:10 CET 1998

I have created a Debian Linux package from R-0.62.4 and uploaded it to
the master Debian archive.  It will be incorporated in the 2.1 (or
"slink") release of Debian GNU/Linux.  This release is currently
frozen (i.e. bug-fixes only are allowed in uploads).  The scheduled
release date is December 15, 1998.  We'll see if we can actually make
the scheduled release date on this release :-).

The package is called r-base_0.62.4-1.  It can be installed on a
Debian GNU/Linux 2.0 system as it does not use any 2.1-specific
facilities.  It is currently available as
and should propagate to other CRAN sites within two days.

The source package is available at the usual Debian sites such as

P.S. If you wonder why the release is called "slink", the releases of
Debian GNU/Linux are named after characters in the movie "Toy Story".
The 2.2 release is named "potato" :-(.  I tried to get them to change
it to "potatoe" to inject some American political humor but they
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