R-0.62.3 is released
Peter Dalgaard BSA
p.dalgaard at biostat.ku.dk
Fri Aug 28 13:42:30 CEST 1998
Here's the top of the CHANGES file:
[again, forgot to sync the last changes into my local version....]
o preserve factor levels and contrast settings in model objects
o factor[...,drop=T] reduces level set
o added dblepr, intpr
o do_modelmatrix(model.c): Set rownames from data argument.
o New generic function preplot().
o a new R BATCH interface for non-interactive execution.
o added `offline' argument to help() for producing hardcopy via
latex and dvips.
o glm.fit.null now calculates AIC and print.glm.null prints it
o effects.lm implemented
o new class "mlm" for multivariate "lm", predict.mlm to go with it
o "Details" section added to .Rd format
o R_PRINTCMD and R_PAPERSIZE can now be set via users' environment,
overriding setting in startup script.
o enhanced identify()
o new function print.coefmat()
o added unix() as .Deprecated("system")
o date() replacing system.date()
o substitute would re-substitute after expanding ...
o indexing modified object in some cases
o sweep should work again on dataframes
o minor changes in aov()
o builds should now actually work on systems that do not add
underscores to Fortran symbols
o biplot[.default]() was redundant in "base" package; now only in "mva".
o unix(..) now helps the user to find system(..) instead.
o apropos("[") and methods("[") now both work (even though "[" is not
a valid regular expression).
o row.names<-.default now exists. Converts object to data
frame and then adds row names
o codes() now distinguishes between ordered and unordered factors
o codes() had *opposite* semantics of Splus. Now it's the same.
o replicating factors now yields factors (again)
o print.summary.xxx functions more consistent, using new function
o Changed many `T' to `TRUE' and `F' to `FALSE' in the base package.
o binary operation on 1x1 matrix lost dimension
o fix anova.glm for null model
o glm.fit.null: ensure df.residual == df.null for a null model
o summary.glm: correlations in saturated cases
o stat.anova: use match.arg and labeled switch statement
o Major cleanup of glm iteration code
o Correct reordering of glm coefficients if pivoting
o Rownames on contrast matrices
o factor() and [.factor preserves class "ordered"
o Code rearrangement in predict.lm (avoid unnecessary computation)
+ let rownames through on predictions
o model.matrix.default: Initial code to define model frame
simplified considerably after defaulting data argument to
sys.frame(sys.parent()). This also removes the problem where
data.frame mangles I(x^2) and similar names, so that the
"reorder" sanity check at the end fails.
o The handling of extra FORTRAN libraries (f2c-related and BLAS)
should now be correct. Via SHLIBLDFLAGS, add-ons will also be
linked against these libraries.
o Modified makefiles so configure followed by "make distclean"
should restore the source tree to its original form.
o a leftover "colours <- colors" caused trouble when collating
sequence changes caused files to go into the "base" file in a
different order
O__ ---- Peter Dalgaard Blegdamsvej 3
c/ /'_ --- Dept. of Biostatistics 2200 Cph. N
(*) \(*) -- University of Copenhagen Denmark Ph: (+45) 35327918
~~~~~~~~~~ - (p.dalgaard at biostat.ku.dk) FAX: (+45) 35327907
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