[ESS] ess-tracebug

Timothy W. Hilton hilton at unm.edu
Tue Mar 26 13:21:58 CET 2013

Hi Vitalie,

Many thanks for the quick and thorough response, and for providing this
useful package.

On Sat, Mar 2013, 23 at 09:28:27AM +0100, Vitalie Spinu wrote:
> Tracebug (and ess-developer) keys are now on dev-map C-c C-t (also in
> 12.09-2). You can still use ess-tracebug-prefix if you wish so.

Thanks!  Good to know.

> I have just checked. It works fine for me. What is the string that is
> printed for you? It should be something like:
> + Error in source(file = "/home/vitoshka/test.R") (from #1) : 
>   /home/vitoshka/test.R:6:15: unexpected ','
> 5: {
> 6:     ret.x <- x,
>                 ^

Yes, I get the same thing.  I was expecting emacs to highlight the
source line of the error in the source file, as shown here:
http://code.google.com/p/ess-tracebug/#Debugging.  I see now that that
is highlighting a breakpoint, not a code error.

> Sometimes R does not report source locations. There is nothing that we
> can do about it. There could also happen that R reports an error
> location but tracebug doesn't' recognize it. Then it is a bug and you
> should report definitely report it.

Yes, this makes sense.  Thanks for explaining.

>   > In addition, only a subset of the ess functions shown here seem to
>   > be available: http://code.google.com/p/ess-tracebug/#Keys
>   > For example, ess-dbg-source-current-file is not available (I wondered if
>   > I needed to source my code that way to properly get ess-tracebug going).
> Sorry, it is just an old documentation. This function was removed because
> it duplicated with the standard ess-load-file (C-c C-l). Just use C-c
> C-l for sourcing files.

OK, sounds good.  Thanks!


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