[ESS] [OT] Org-mode removed from my distribution

Vincent Goulet vincent.goulet at dgfc.ulaval.ca
Sat Jan 19 02:36:25 CET 2013

>From today's NEWS file of Emacs Modified:

Version 24.2-modified-6 (18 January 2013)


o Org is *removed* from the distribution as it triggered a warning
  message at Emacs startup. This may seem a rather drastic measure,
  but Org has proved annoying to support as an add-on to the
  distribution. In addition, Org maintainers recommend to install the
  package through the Emacs package system; see
  http://orgmode.org/manual/Installation.html. The version of Org
  shipping with GNU Emacs 24.2 is 7.8.11.

If there is a strong demand, I might reconsider my decision, but let's say I hope there won't be... ;-)


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