[ESS] Little troubles with Emacs for Windows and ESS

Rodney Sparapani rsparapa at mcw.edu
Mon Jan 25 18:49:32 CET 2010

On 01/22/10 06:11 PM, Paul Johnson wrote:

> The other problems  are 'window manager' related problems.  For
> example, start Emacs with an R file, start the R session, and go into
> the R session and type "install.packages("gdata")"  R responds "select
> repository" but the repository selector does not pop up.  It doesn't
> give the tcl/tk chooser thing, and it doesn't give the old fashioned
> text list of repos.  On the other hand, if you run R interactively
> through Rgui, then install.packages does work.

I believe that this is an R bug.  I see it all the time and I don't
see how it is ESS related in any way.  Of course, patches welcome.


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