[ESS] R starts slowly in ESS

Georg Otto georg.otto at tuebingen.mpg.de
Thu May 24 10:26:24 CEST 2007

> Georg can you confirm that "emacs -f R" is only slow when you
> have a .RData in the current (working) directory and otherwise
> not?

 I am using xemacs, so:

1. directory without .RData file:

xemacs -f R

xemacs opens, propmpts for the starting data directory, after
confirmation R starts after 3 seconds with the message:

> if(!exists("baseenv", mode="function")) baseenv <- function() NULL
> options(STERM='iESS', editor='gnuclient -q')

2. Directory containing a .RData file:

xemacs -f R

xemacs opens, propmpts for the starting data directory, after
confirmation R starts after 45 seconds. During the startup process a
message bar is shown saying "Fontifying *R*". After startup it shows
the prompt:

[Previously saved workspace restored]




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