[ESS] Using Rterm under Cygwin Emacs, and future Sweave handling extensions.

A.J. Rossini blindglobe at gmail.com
Fri Nov 25 09:14:00 CET 2005

I'm not seeing that problem.  However, there was at least one case of
not flagging being in Microsoft Windows (i.e. we aren't careful about
differentiating between MinGW and Cygwin).

I'll look more into this soon.

On 11/25/05, Frede Aakmann Tøgersen <FredeA.Togersen at agrsci.dk> wrote:
> I updated to the recent developement version of ESS in order to check whether the problem that I have had with Cygwins bash shell in Emacs together with ESS. See below for Martin M.'s answer.
> Last month I succeeded in finding a solution on the web. The problem seems to be related to the the definition of the R function in the 'essd-r.el' file, where the following code sniplet is included:
>    (if ess-microsoft-p
>  (setq default-process-coding-system '(undecided-dos . undecided-dos)))
> When setting the process-coding-system to undecided-dos a newline (^L) is appended to a carriage return <CR> which interferes with Cygwin's normal UNIX behaviour. Cygwin expects only a <CR>.
> I have solved this by putting:
> (add-to-list 'process-coding-system-alist '("bash" . undecided-unix))
> into my .emacs. Whether this is the right way to do it I don't known, but it seems to work in the sense that I can now use Cygwin's bash in a shell buffer at the same time as I use R without any problem observed during the last month.
> I will now check if the new version breaks normal Emacs behaviour.
> Best regards
> Frede Aakmann Tøgersen
>  ----------------------------------------------------
>  Frede Aakmann Tøgersen
>  Statistics and Decision Theory
>  Department of Genetics and Biotechnology
>  Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences
>  P.O. Box 50,  DK-8830 Tjele,
>  --------------------------------------------------------
> >>>>>> Reply from Martin M.:
> Both 'M-x shell' and 'M-x R'
> are based on "comint" , and we do change emacs variables
> with names "comint-...".
> However, comint has been designed (AFAIK by making all these
> variables ``buffer-local'') such that you can have several
> comint processes with different settings and shouldn't get
> any problems.
> I've never heard of problems like these, and cannot even try to
> reproduce them.
> The two Windows-using ESS developers are now at the joint
> meetings and won't get around to fix your problem easily.
> I notice from your e-mail that your emacs stems from "MinGW" and
> your shell from "Cygwin".  I've heard that mixing the two does
> lead to problems....
> Maybe you ask on ESS-help for advice from users using such
> shells on Windows?
> {ESS-bugs is just gatewayed to the small group of ESS developers}
> Regards,
> Martin Maechler, ETH Zurich
> >>>>> "Frede" == Frede Aakmann Tøgersen <FredeA.Togersen at agrsci.dk>
> >>>>>     on Tue, 9 Aug 2005 12:30:55 +0200 writes:
>    Frede> Cygwin bash shell commander not working properly when invoked in a buffer after an inferior R process is startet. Bash works properly if invoked before the R process.
>    Frede> Using a minimal .emacs as follows:
>    Frede> ;; ESS
>    Frede> (add-to-list 'load-path "C:/cygwin/usr/local/ess-svn/lisp")
>    Frede> (add-to-list 'Info-default-directory-list "C:/cygwin/usr/local/ess-svn/info")
>    Frede> (require 'ess-site)
>    Frede> (setq-default inferior-R-program-name
>    Frede> "c:/Programmer/R/rw2011/bin/Rterm.exe")  ; msdos systems
>    Frede> (custom-set-variables
>    Frede> ;; custom-set-variables was added by Custom.
>    Frede> ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
>    Frede> ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
>    Frede> ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.
>    Frede> '(explicit-shell-file-name "bash"))
>    Frede> (custom-set-faces
>    Frede> ;; custom-set-faces was added by Custom.
>    Frede> ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
>    Frede> ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
>    Frede> ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.
>    Frede> )
>    Frede> If I start emacs and evoke a shell buffer with M-x shell bash is
>    Frede> started in a buffer named *shell* and works properly even if an
>    Frede> inferior R process is started with M-x R and R works fine.
>    Frede> If I first do M-x R and then M-x shell then R works fine but the bash
>    Frede> doesn't work at all. To every command line input it says "command not
>    Frede> found", e.g. for a <CR>, pwd and ls I see
>    Frede> bash-3.00$
>    Frede> : command not found
>    Frede> bash-3.00$ pwd
>    Frede> : command not found
>    Frede> bash-3.00$ ls
>    Frede> : command not found
>    Frede> bash-3.00$
>    Frede> Does ESS overwrites variable definitions that regard to the behaviour of
>    Frede> Emacs shell mode and if so which ones?
>    Frede> Regards
>    Frede> Frede Aakmann Tøgersen
>    Frede> ----------------------------------------------------
>    Frede> Frede Aakmann Tøgersen
>    Frede> Statistics and Decision Theory
>    Frede> Department of Genetics and Biotechnology
>    Frede> Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences
>    Frede> P.O. Box 50
>    Frede> DK-8830 Tjele,
>    Frede> --------------------------------------------------------
>    Frede> Emacs  : GNU Emacs (i386-mingw-nt5.1.2600)
>    Frede> of 2004-07-26 on BERATUNG4
>    Frede> Package: ess-mode 5.2.9
>    Frede> current state:
>    Frede> ==============
>    Frede> (setq
>    Frede> ess-language "S"
>    Frede> ess-dialect "R"
>    Frede> ess-ask-for-ess-directory t
>    Frede> ess-ask-about-transfile nil
>    Frede> ess-directory nil
>    Frede> ess-keep-dump-files "always"
>    Frede> ess-source-directory "/tmp/"
>    Frede> )
>    Frede> [ess-site.el]: ess-customize-alist=nil
>    Frede> [ess-site.el _2_]: ess-customize-alist=nil
>    Frede> (R): ess-rterm-versions-create making M-x defuns for c:/program files/r/rw1091/bin/Rterm.exe c:/program files/r/rw2000/bin/Rterm.exe
>    Frede> (R): ess-dialect=nil, buf=*scratch*, start-arg=nil
>    Frede> current-prefix-arg=nil
>    Frede> (inferior-ess 0): ess-start-args=--ess
>    Frede> ess-setq-vars-default 0: ess-language=Initial, -dialect=nil, buf=nil, comint..echoes=nil, comint..sender=comint-simple-send
>    Frede> ess-setq-vars-default 1: ess-language=S, -dialect=R, buf=nil, comint..echoes=nil, comint..sender=comint-simple-send
>    Frede> (inf-ess 1): lang=S, dialect=R, tmp-dialect=R, buf=*scratch*
>    Frede> (inf-ess 1.1): procname=R temp-dialect=R, buf-name=*R*
>    Frede> (inferior-ess) Method #3 start=c:/Documents and Settings/FAT/My Documents/fat/MyRwork/ buf=*R*
>    Frede> (ess-setq-vars-LOCAL): language=S, dialect=R, buf=nil, comint..echoes=nil, comint..sender=comint-simple-send
>    Frede> (inf-ess 2.1): ess-language=S, ess-dialect=R buf=*R*
>    Frede> (inf-ess 2.2): start args = --ess , inf-ess-start-args=--ess
>    Frede> (inf-ess finish [S(R), c:/Programmer/R/rw2011/bin/Rterm.exe(nil,nil)]
>    Frede> (ess-multi 0):  inf-ess-start-args=--ess , comint-..echoes=nil
>    Frede> (i-ess 1): buf=*R*, lang=S, comint..echo=nil, comint..sender=comint-simple-send,
>    Frede> (i-ess 2): buf=*R*, lang=S, comint..echo=t, comint..sender=inferior-R-input-sender,
>    Frede> (ess-setq-vars-LOCAL): language=S, dialect=R, buf=nil, comint..echoes=t, comint..sender=inferior-R-input-sender
>    Frede> (i-ess 3): curr-buf=*R*, comint..echo=t, comint..sender=inferior-R-input-sender,
>    Frede> (ess-multi post inf-ess: start-args=--ess , comint-echoes=t
>    Frede> (ess-multi 1):  start-args=--ess
>    Frede> Making Process...Buf *R*, Proc R, Prog c:/Programmer/R/rw2011/bin/Rterm.exe
>    Frede> Start File=nil, Args= --ess .
>    Frede> (R): inferior-ess-language-start=options(STERM='iESS', editor='gnuclient.exe')
>    Frede> (R): ess-dialect=R, buf=.emacs, start-arg=nil
>    Frede> current-prefix-arg=nil
>    Frede> (inferior-ess 0): ess-start-args=--ess
>    Frede> ess-setq-vars-default 0: ess-language=S, -dialect=R, buf=nil, comint..echoes=nil, comint..sender=comint-simple-send
>    Frede> ess-setq-vars-default 1: ess-language=S, -dialect=R, buf=nil, comint..echoes=nil, comint..sender=comint-simple-send
>    Frede> (inf-ess 1): lang=S, dialect=R, tmp-dialect=R, buf=.emacs
>    Frede> (inf-ess 1.1): procname=R:2 temp-dialect=R, buf-name=*R:2*
>    Frede> (inferior-ess) Method #3 start=c:/Documents and Settings/FAT/My Documents/fat/MyRwork/ buf=*R:2*
>    Frede> (ess-setq-vars-LOCAL): language=S, dialect=R, buf=nil, comint..echoes=nil, comint..sender=comint-simple-send
>    Frede> (inf-ess 2.1): ess-language=S, ess-dialect=R buf=*R:2*
>    Frede> (inf-ess 2.2): start args = --ess , inf-ess-start-args=--ess
>    Frede> (inf-ess finish [S(R), c:/Programmer/R/rw2011/bin/Rterm.exe(R,nil)]
>    Frede> (ess-multi 0):  inf-ess-start-args=--ess , comint-..echoes=nil
>    Frede> (i-ess 1): buf=*R:2*, lang=S, comint..echo=nil, comint..sender=comint-simple-send,
>    Frede> (i-ess 2): buf=*R:2*, lang=S, comint..echo=t, comint..sender=inferior-R-input-sender,
>    Frede> (ess-setq-vars-LOCAL): language=S, dialect=R, buf=nil, comint..echoes=t, comint..sender=inferior-R-input-sender
>    Frede> (i-ess 3): curr-buf=*R:2*, comint..echo=t, comint..sender=inferior-R-input-sender,
>    Frede> (ess-multi post inf-ess: start-args=--ess , comint-echoes=t
>    Frede> (ess-multi 1):  start-args=--ess
>    Frede> Making Process...Buf *R:2*, Proc R:2, Prog c:/Programmer/R/rw2011/bin/Rterm.exe
>    Frede> Start File=nil, Args= --ess .
>    Frede> (R): inferior-ess-language-start=options(STERM='iESS', editor='gnuclient.exe')
>    Frede> ----------------------------------------------------
>    Frede> Frede Aakmann Tøgersen
>    Frede> Afdeling for Genetik og Bioteknologi
>    Frede> Danmarks Jordbrugsforskning
>    Frede> Postboks 50
>    Frede> 8830 Tjele
>    Frede> _______________________________________________
>    Frede> ESS-bugs ESS-bugs at stat.math.ethz.ch
>    Frede> https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/ess-bugs
>    Frede> _______________________________________________
>    Frede> ESS-core list: https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/ess-core
> ________________________________
> Fra: ess-help-bounces at stat.math.ethz.ch på vegne af A.J. Rossini
> Sendt: to 24-11-2005 18:19
> Til: ess-help at stat.math.ethz.ch
> Emne: [ESS] Using Rterm under Cygwin Emacs,and future Sweave handling extensions.
> I've check-in a few changes into the SVN repository for using R with
> Cygwin's Emacs.  If anyone would like to check (the svn version) to
> make sure it doesn't break normal Emacs/XEmacs under windows before
> the 5.2.12 release, I'd appreciate that.
> Also, I've got preliminary code for Sweave ala Duncan Murdoch's
> workflow suggested sometime recently, I can't recall when; hopefully
> it'll be done for the 5.2.12 release.
> (i.e. adds 2 commands:  one writes out the output of the R submission
> just past the chunk, i.e.
> <<ThisChunk>>=
> MyRCode()
> @
> %% <<ThisChunk>>=    time-stamp
> %% MyRCode() output
> %% @
> (replace time-stamp with the Emacs time-stamp command).  If you are
> wondering about the time-stamp, think "conditional evaluation".
> The other command compares the output in a colorful manner via
> ediff-buffers between past and current input and returns true/false.
> They definitely need refactoring to "do-the-right-thing".
> Thanks to Thomas Gerds at Uni-Freiburg, where I gave a talk last
> Friday, for seeding my brain with ideas, emacs-hints, and ruining what
> was to be a relaxing weekend.
> best,
> -tony
> blindglobe at gmail.com
> Muttenz, Switzerland.
> "Commit early,commit often, and commit in a repository from which we can easily
> roll-back your mistakes" (AJR, 4Jan05).
> ______________________________________________
> ESS-help at stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
> https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/ess-help


blindglobe at gmail.com
Muttenz, Switzerland.
"Commit early,commit often, and commit in a repository from which we can easily
roll-back your mistakes" (AJR, 4Jan05).

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