
David Brahm brahm at alum.mit.edu
Mon Jul 19 22:11:56 CEST 2004

I've just installed ESS-5.2.2 (on Emacs 21.3.1 under Solaris 2.8), and
immediately noticed a new behavior: \M-x R now splits the window vertically and
runs R in the lower half.  As recently as ESS-5.2.0beta4, that was not the case
(no window splitting was done).  Oddly, I found no reference to this in the
README nor the ChangeLog.

Unfortunately, I'm used to splitting vertically and running R in the *upper*
half, via a home-grown macro, and I'm too old to change :-/  Does anyone know
how to modify this behavior (ESS's, not mine)?
                              -- David Brahm (brahm at alum.mit.edu)

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