Updates on working towards a new Debian package for ess

Dirk Eddelbuettel edd at debian.org
Mon May 19 00:07:30 CEST 2008

[ Continuing to spam poor Peter G. ... ]

On 18 May 2008 at 23:53, Stefan Theussl wrote:
| > I am confused. I thought the refcard issue was fixed in svn by Martin as per
| >
| >    r3888 | maechler | 2008-05-16 04:55:32 -0500 (Fri, 16 May 2008) | 3 lines
| >
| >    Usepackage {fullpage} instead of {a4};
| >    {svn} is now also carried by ubuntu
| >
| > What did you change relative to this?
| >   
| Actually, nothing. I just thought it would be better to release the 
| latest upstream release than the current development version. I know 
| that Martin already fixed this. The refcard.tex I changed was just the 
| one from the ess.orig.tar.gz which in turn was generated from the tagged 
| 5.3.7 release.

I see. I sort-of figured it out from your tarball.  And that did not give me
a warm and fuzzy feeling. As far as I can tell, we did our bug triage
relative to the SVN, we did the test releases relative to the SVN, and we
tested relative to the SVN.  All of a sudden I saw a (arguably small) set of
diffs without explanation given ...

| >> You can download it from:
| >>
| >> http://statmath.wu-wien.ac.at/~theussl/downloads/ess.org.tar.gz

[Btw: the name is $package-$version.orig.tar.gz. not .org.tar.gz ]

| > I think I'd be more comfortable sticking with svn given that it would
| > be clearer exactly what code we released off.
| >
| > It is not uncommon to release Debian package from svn. We could call
| > this 5.3.7.svn3892. In a way, that would be more honest than calling a
| > snapshot 5.3.7 when there really is a 5.3.7 release.
| >   
| Ok, sounds good to me.

Thinking about this more today, I feel even more that we should simply
release what we currently have in SVN, but call it


The ~ sorts lower in Debian, so a package 5.3.8-1 will cleanly replace
this. I do the same with R pre-releases (alpha/beta/rc)

That way nothing needs to be modified from the svn tree.

Now, as I am new here, I would like to hear from the ESS guys on the list:

 -- is the current SVN fit for releases ?
 -- are you comfortable seeing it in Debian, or
 -- would you rather that we took 5.3.7 as it was ?

As I argued before, pre-releases are pretty standard in Debian for many
parts, including (or even in particular) the main GNU toolchain.   

Thanks for any feedback!


Three out of two people have difficulties with fractions.

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