[ESS-bugs] GH comments [Malformed background commands hang Emacs (#1110)]

Martin Maechler m@ech|er @end|ng |rom @t@t@m@th@ethz@ch
Mon Feb 8 12:12:53 CET 2021

>>>>> Lionel Henry  on Mon, 08 Feb 2021 02:25:28 -0800 writes:


    >> In fact seeing insult where it is not probably means you are badly overworked
>> No. Saying that I play with fire is inconsiderate given the time that I put into this design and unit tests. I did not work on this lightly. 


>>  Now you're insulting me again by making inferences about my psychology/personal life publicly. This is the second time you've done this here. The first time was 4 years ago and I haven't forgotten. Please don't. I'm not willing to interact with someone who does that.

Please Vitalie (and Lionel, and everybody ..):

Do not forget that github issue comments are 100% public, and saying
things there is something entirely different than saying 
it here where it only goes to the ESS core team .. and we know
anything said here  is not to be copied outside (unless maybe
in a rare case after explicit permission ...).

In GH (or stackoverflow, or ...)
ad hominem  comments  can really be received quite painfully
even if they were not meant to be at all. 

For a next such case, I propose that Vitalie should have stated
his perception on the speed of changes either completely in
private to Lionel or then here, were we are still in a
comparably very private room.

More generally, everybody remember that we promised ourselves to
work as focussedly as possible towards an "official" ESS release
(which I think is strongly related to what was named the
 'next' milestone on GH).


Also, I think we had agreed this release should be "packaged"
into an ESS+ release  which needs to contain at least

     ESS and poly-R (*)

*) at least those components of poly-R necessary for users to
  conveniently dealy with both *.Rmd (via knitr or rmarkdown)
  _and_  *.Rnw (via Sweave or knitr).

This is one reason I finally had looked again at what I had and
did update poly-R

... and now on my work-computer, where we have nice auto-backups
of (almost) everything,  

I can see, as of  January 13 ,  inside my then  ~/.emacs.d/elpa/  :

  drwxr-xr-x.  2 maechler sfsstaff 4096 Oct 31  2018 poly-R-0.1.5
  drwxr-xr-x.  2 maechler sfsstaff 4096 Oct 31  2018 poly-markdown-0.1.5
  drwxr-xr-x.  2 maechler sfsstaff 4096 Oct 31  2018 poly-noweb-0.1.5
  drwxr-xr-x.  2 maechler sfsstaff 4096 Oct 31  2018 polymode-0.1.5

which was indeed older than 2 years.



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