[ESS-bugs] Aquamacs 1.6 + ESS

Salvatore Enrico Indiogine hindiogine at gmail.com
Mon Jan 26 21:00:52 CET 2009


I opened a Rnw file in Aquamacs 1.6 and noticed that the text
coloringis faulty.  The $ symbol throws off the coloring scheme.  Also
when I
scroll the coloring goes and then comes back.

Thanks and best regards,

Enrico Indiogine

Mathematics Education
Texas A&M University

Email: hindiogine at gmail.com
Skype: hindiogine
Website: http://www.coe.tamu.edu/~enrico

"On ne voit bien qu'avec le coeur. L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux."

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