[ESS-bugs] Re: ESS with Emacs 19.x

Martin Maechler maechler at stat.math.ethz.ch
Sun Dec 5 00:02:49 CET 2004

>>>>> "Stoyan" == Stoyan Iliev <sje at mast.queensu.ca>
>>>>>     on Sat, 04 Dec 2004 17:46:50 -0500 writes:

    Stoyan> Dear Martin, I installed ESS (without compiling and
    Stoyan> without changing ess-site.el) and something does not
    Stoyan> work.

    Stoyan> sje at poisson% emacs -version GNU Emacs 19.34.1

well, really,  when I was young I had used that version of Emacs
as well...

No, seriously, I'm pretty sure that nobody of us still has
access of such a prehistoric version of Emacs.

We *did* support Emacs 19.34 for quite a long time even into the
age of Emacs 21.1,  but we have dropped support for it a while ago.

Is it impossible for you to get a current version of GNU Emacs
(21.3) installed on your computer ?

Martin Maechler <maechler at stat.math.ethz.ch>	http://stat.ethz.ch/~maechler/
Seminar fuer Statistik, ETH-Zentrum  LEO C16	Leonhardstr. 27
ETH (Federal Inst. Technology)	8092 Zurich	SWITZERLAND
phone: x-41-1-632-3408		fax: ...-1228			<><

    Stoyan> when I start emacs I get

    Stoyan> 'error in init file: Symbol's function definition is
    Stoyan> void: unless'

    Stoyan> then 'M-x Splus6' (Splus6 is the name for starting
    Stoyan> S+ on my system) says 'no match' , and if I load
    Stoyan> sth.S it thinks I loaded assembler.  OS is Solaris
    Stoyan> 9.  please, help

    Stoyan> -- Stoyan Iliev PhD Candidate in Finance, ABD
    Stoyan> Queen's University

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