[BioC] GeneSetCollection with mogene10sttranscriptcluster

Mary Putt mputt at mail.med.upenn.edu
Thu Jan 27 17:18:43 CET 2011


I am trying to create gene sets and have the following mysterious error. 
Many thanks in advance for suggestions,

Mary Putt

 [1] ".GlobalEnv"                           
 [2] "package:GO.db"                        
 [3] "package:mogene10sttranscriptcluster.db"
 [4] "package:org.Mm.eg.db"                 
 [5] "package:RSQLite"                      
 [6] "package:DBI"                          
 [7] "package:affy"                         
 [8] "package:genefilter"                   
 [9] "package:GSEABase"                     
[10] "package:graph"                        
[11] "package:annotate"                     
[12] "package:AnnotationDbi"                
[13] "package:Biobase"                      
[14] "package:stats"                        
[15] "package:graphics"                     
[16] "package:grDevices"                    
[17] "package:utils"                        
[18] "package:datasets"                     
[19] "package:methods"                      
[20] "Autoloads"                            
[21] "package:base"                         
 > date()
[1] "Thu Jan 27 11:23:25 2011"
 > setwd("/project/cvi/parmacek/nina_bowens/Rdata")
 > load("myAB_rma.Rdata")
 > class(myAB_rma)
[1] "ExpressionSet"
[1] "Biobase"
 > objects()
[1] "e_set"    "myAB_rma"
 > gsc<-GeneSetCollection(myAB_rma, setType=GOCollection())
Error in as.list(getAnnMap("GO2PROBE", annotation(idType))) :
  error in evaluating the argument 'x' in selecting a method for 
function 'as.list'
 > traceback()
3: as.list(getAnnMap("GO2PROBE", annotation(idType)))
2: GeneSetCollection(myAB_rma, setType = GOCollection())
1: GeneSetCollection(myAB_rma, setType = GOCollection())

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