[BioC] Help expanding limmaUsersGuide section 8.7 to 3x2 factorial

Jenny Drnevich drnevich at illinois.edu
Tue Jan 11 21:02:27 CET 2011

Hi everyone,

This is probably more of a general stats questions, but I'm using the 
limmaUsersGuide as my example, so I hope that qualifies for this 
mailing list. Section 8.7 goes through 3 different parametrizations 
of a 2x2 factorial design, although they are all mathematically 
equivalent. I have no trouble showing this with my own data, however 
I run into trouble when try to expand to a 3x2 factorial and compare 
the cell-means model (example 1) and the sum-to-zero parametrization 
(example 3). I'm trying to re-create the same coefficients as the 
sum-to-zero parametrization using contrasts from the cell-means 
model, but I'm not getting the right coefficient values and p-values 
for the coefficients involving the factor with 3 levels. However, I 
am getting the same values if I calculate the overall F-test or the 
F-test for the main effect of the factor with 3 levels. I actually 
need to expand this to a 4x2 factorial, and I'm running both model 
parametrizations in my analyses depending on the contrasts I need to 
get (some are easier to get from one model versus the other). I 
started this little comparison as a sanity check, but now it's 
driving me insane because I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong! I 
tried to search the BioC list, the R list and Google, but the 
question is a little complicated to search and I couldn't find 
anything useful. Below is my full example code using data from just 2 
genes; I attached the FakeData.csv file - hopefully it will come 
through, but everything is shown in the code below. Would someone 
please show me what I'm doing wrong?

Thank you!

 > library(limma)
 > fakeData <- read.csv("FakeData.csv",stringsAsFactors=F)
 > fakeData
    Sample Group Pop Trt     RNA1     RNA2
1       1  BMAc BMA   c 7.023854 6.153886
2       2  BMAc BMA   c 7.739991 5.866103
3       3  BMAc BMA   c 7.564132 6.638336
4       4  BMAc BMA   c 7.270778 6.594744
5       5  BMAe BMA   e 6.810056 6.533012
6       6  BMAe BMA   e 6.205453 5.442167
7       7  BMAe BMA   e 5.676583 6.026147
8       8  BMAe BMA   e 6.810335 5.748206
9       9  BVOc BVO   c 6.810056 5.816311
10     10  BVOc BVO   c 7.516394 6.753504
11     11  BVOc BVO   c 8.569809 6.216047
12     12  BVOc BVO   c 7.866806 5.781871
13     13  BVOe BVO   e 6.617231 5.788481
14     14  BVOe BVO   e 7.699425 6.106843
15     15  BVOe BVO   e 7.114598 7.175774
16     16  BVOe BVO   e 6.491565 5.883128
17     17  BWFc BWF   c 7.625755 5.903757
18     18  BWFc BWF   c 7.846667 5.939844
19     19  BWFc BWF   c 6.629416 5.928577
20     20  BWFc BWF   c 7.801253 5.894263
21     21  BWFe BWF   e 7.128194 5.842164
22     22  BWFe BWF   e 7.217061 7.053346
23     23  BWFe BWF   e 7.861897 7.055525
24     24  BWFe BWF   e 6.889417 9.774177
25     25  CARc CAR   c 8.118041 5.918385
26     26  CARc CAR   c 6.178935 5.856860
27     27  CARc CAR   c 7.456442 6.035643
28     28  CARc CAR   c 7.538999 5.827788
29     29  CARe CAR   e 6.980979 6.556491
30     30  CARe CAR   e 7.614278 5.875536
31     31  CARe CAR   e 5.898541 7.787749
32     32  CARe CAR   e 5.947753 6.914975
 > #do sum-to-zero parametrization for half of data (2X2) (3rd 
example in limmaUsersGuide, section 8.7)
 > Pop1 <- factor(fakeData$Pop[1:16])
 > Trt1 <- factor(fakeData$Trt[1:16])
 > contrasts(Pop1) <- contr.sum(2)
 > contrasts(Trt1) <- contr.sum(2)
 > design1.stz <- model.matrix(~Pop1*Trt1)
 > design1.stz
    (Intercept) Pop11 Trt11 Pop11:Trt11
1            1     1     1           1
2            1     1     1           1
3            1     1     1           1
4            1     1     1           1
5            1     1    -1          -1
6            1     1    -1          -1
7            1     1    -1          -1
8            1     1    -1          -1
9            1    -1     1          -1
10           1    -1     1          -1
11           1    -1     1          -1
12           1    -1     1          -1
13           1    -1    -1           1
14           1    -1    -1           1
15           1    -1    -1           1
16           1    -1    -1           1
[1] 0 1 2 3
BMA    1
BVO   -1

c    1
e   -1

 > fit1.stz <- 
 > #Now do cell-mean model, again on half the data (1st example in 
limmaUsersGuide, section 8.7)
 > TS1 <- factor(fakeData$Group[1:16])
 > design1.cm <- model.matrix(~0+TS1)
 > colnames(design1.cm) <- levels(TS1)
 > design1.cm
1     1    0    0    0
2     1    0    0    0
3     1    0    0    0
4     1    0    0    0
5     0    1    0    0
6     0    1    0    0
7     0    1    0    0
8     0    1    0    0
9     0    0    1    0
10    0    0    1    0
11    0    0    1    0
12    0    0    1    0
13    0    0    0    1
14    0    0    0    1
15    0    0    0    1
16    0    0    0    1
[1] 1 1 1 1
[1] "contr.treatment"

 > #Make contrasts the same as the coefficients of design1.stz
 > cont.matrix1 <- makeContrasts(Intercept = (BMAc + BMAe + BVOc + BVOe)/4,
+                             Pop11 = (BMAc + BMAe - BVOc - BVOe)/4,
+                             Trt11 = (BMAc - BMAe + BVOc - BVOe)/4,
+                             Pop11.Trt11 = (BMAc - BMAe - BVOc + BVOe)/4,
+                             levels=design1.cm)
 > cont.matrix1
Levels Intercept Pop11 Trt11 Pop11.Trt11
   BMAc      0.25  0.25  0.25        0.25
   BMAe      0.25  0.25 -0.25       -0.25
   BVOc      0.25 -0.25  0.25       -0.25
   BVOe      0.25 -0.25 -0.25        0.25
 > fit1.cm  <- lmFit(as.matrix(t(fakeData[1:16,c("RNA1","RNA2")])),design1.cm)
 > fit1.cm2 <- eBayes(contrasts.fit(fit1.cm,cont.matrix1))
 > #Compare results
 > fit1.stz$coef
      (Intercept)       Pop11      Trt11 Pop11:Trt11
RNA1    7.111692 -0.22404395 0.43353590  0.07850503
RNA2    6.157785 -0.03245994 0.06981525  0.11812693
 > fit1.cm2$coef
        Intercept       Pop11      Trt11 Pop11.Trt11
   RNA1  7.111692 -0.22404395 0.43353590  0.07850503
   RNA2  6.157785 -0.03245994 0.06981525  0.11812693
 >     #all the same
 > fit1.stz$p.value
      (Intercept)     Pop11       Trt11 Pop11:Trt11
RNA1           0 0.1003890 0.001476679   0.5648199
RNA2           0 0.8118525 0.608670022   0.3863506
 > fit1.cm2$p.value
        Intercept     Pop11       Trt11 Pop11.Trt11
   RNA1         0 0.1003890 0.001476679   0.5648199
   RNA2         0 0.8118525 0.608670022   0.3863506
 >     #all the same
 > #Do overall F-test
 > topTable(fit1.stz,coef=2:4,sort.by="none")
     ID       Pop11      Trt11 
Pop11.Trt11  AveExpr         F     P.Value   adj.P.Val
1 RNA1 -0.22404395 0.43353590  0.07850503 7.111692 4.3794233 
0.004346933 0.008693866
2 RNA2 -0.03245994 0.06981525  0.11812693 6.157785 0.3563916 
0.784520156 0.784520156
 > topTable(fit1.cm2,coef=2:4,sort.by="none")
     ID       Pop11      Trt11 
Pop11.Trt11  AveExpr         F     P.Value   adj.P.Val
1 RNA1 -0.22404395 0.43353590  0.07850503 7.111692 4.3794233 
0.004346933 0.008693866
2 RNA2 -0.03245994 0.06981525  0.11812693 6.157785 0.3563916 
0.784520156 0.784520156
[1] TRUE
 > #Ok, so these two model parametrizations give me the exact same results
 > #Now expand to 3x2 factorial and compare models
 > Pop2 <- factor(fakeData$Pop[1:24])
 > Trt2 <- factor(fakeData$Trt[1:24])
 > contrasts(Pop2) <- contr.sum(3)
 > contrasts(Trt2) <- contr.sum(2)
 > design2.stz <- model.matrix(~Pop2*Trt2)
 > design2.stz
    (Intercept) Pop21 Pop22 Trt21 Pop21:Trt21 Pop22:Trt21
1            1     1     0     1           1           0
2            1     1     0     1           1           0
3            1     1     0     1           1           0
4            1     1     0     1           1           0
5            1     1     0    -1          -1           0
6            1     1     0    -1          -1           0
7            1     1     0    -1          -1           0
8            1     1     0    -1          -1           0
9            1     0     1     1           0           1
10           1     0     1     1           0           1
11           1     0     1     1           0           1
12           1     0     1     1           0           1
13           1     0     1    -1           0          -1
14           1     0     1    -1           0          -1
15           1     0     1    -1           0          -1
16           1     0     1    -1           0          -1
17           1    -1    -1     1          -1          -1
18           1    -1    -1     1          -1          -1
19           1    -1    -1     1          -1          -1
20           1    -1    -1     1          -1          -1
21           1    -1    -1    -1           1           1
22           1    -1    -1    -1           1           1
23           1    -1    -1    -1           1           1
24           1    -1    -1    -1           1           1
[1] 0 1 1 2 3 3
     [,1] [,2]
BMA    1    0
BVO    0    1
BWF   -1   -1

c    1
e   -1

 > fit2.stz <- 
 > TS2 <- factor(fakeData$Group[1:24])
 > design2.cm <- model.matrix(~0+TS2)
 > colnames(design2.cm) <- levels(TS2)
 > design2.cm
1     1    0    0    0    0    0
2     1    0    0    0    0    0
3     1    0    0    0    0    0
4     1    0    0    0    0    0
5     0    1    0    0    0    0
6     0    1    0    0    0    0
7     0    1    0    0    0    0
8     0    1    0    0    0    0
9     0    0    1    0    0    0
10    0    0    1    0    0    0
11    0    0    1    0    0    0
12    0    0    1    0    0    0
13    0    0    0    1    0    0
14    0    0    0    1    0    0
15    0    0    0    1    0    0
16    0    0    0    1    0    0
17    0    0    0    0    1    0
18    0    0    0    0    1    0
19    0    0    0    0    1    0
20    0    0    0    0    1    0
21    0    0    0    0    0    1
22    0    0    0    0    0    1
23    0    0    0    0    0    1
24    0    0    0    0    0    1
[1] 1 1 1 1 1 1
[1] "contr.treatment"

 > #Make contrasts the same as the coefficients of design1.stz
 > #But I'm probably not doing this correctly!
 > cont.matrix2 <- makeContrasts(Intercept = (BMAc + BMAe + BVOc + 
BVOe + BWFc + BWFe)/6,
+                             Pop21 = (BMAc + BMAe - BWFc - BWFe)/4,
+                             Pop22 = (BVOc + BVOe - BWFc - BWFe)/4,
+                             Trt21 = (BMAc - BMAe + BVOc - BVOe + 
BWFc - BWFe)/6,
+                             Pop21.Trt21 = (BMAc - BMAe - BWFc + BWFe)/4,
+                             Pop22.Trt21 = (BVOc - BVOe - BWFc + BWFe)/4,
+                             levels=design2.cm)
 > cont.matrix2
Levels Intercept Pop21 Pop22      Trt21 Pop21.Trt21 Pop22.Trt21
   BMAc 0.1666667  0.25  0.00  0.1666667        0.25        0.00
   BMAe 0.1666667  0.25  0.00 -0.1666667       -0.25        0.00
   BVOc 0.1666667  0.00  0.25  0.1666667        0.00        0.25
   BVOe 0.1666667  0.00  0.25 -0.1666667        0.00       -0.25
   BWFc 0.1666667 -0.25 -0.25  0.1666667       -0.25       -0.25
   BWFe 0.1666667 -0.25 -0.25 -0.1666667        0.25        0.25
 > fit2.cm  <- lmFit(as.matrix(t(fakeData[1:24,c("RNA1","RNA2")])),design2.cm)
 > fit2.cm2 <- eBayes(contrasts.fit(fit2.cm,cont.matrix2))
 > #Compare results
 > fit2.stz$coef
      (Intercept)      Pop21      Pop22      Trt21 Pop21:Trt21 Pop22:Trt21
RNA1    7.199447 -0.3117993  0.1362886  0.3226290   0.1894119  0.03240183
RNA2    6.329842 -0.2045172 -0.1395973 -0.2059053   0.3938475  0.15759367
 > fit2.cm2$coef
        Intercept      Pop21       Pop22      Trt21 Pop21.Trt21 Pop22.Trt21
   RNA1  7.199447 -0.2436550 -0.01961105  0.3226290   0.2056128   0.1271078
   RNA2  6.329842 -0.2743158 -0.24185590 -0.2059053   0.4726444   0.3545174
 >     #The intercepts and Trt21 main effect the same, but not others
 > fit2.stz$p.value
       (Intercept)      Pop21     Pop22      Trt21 Pop21:Trt21 Pop22:Trt21
RNA1 2.907470e-33 0.07375434 0.4245090 0.01094819  0.26936850   0.8486640
RNA2 1.328404e-28 0.34115782 0.5141817 0.17860405  0.07225298   0.4618975
 > fit2.cm2$p.value
           Intercept     Pop21     Pop22      Trt21 Pop21.Trt21 Pop22.Trt21
   RNA1 2.907470e-33 0.1049556 0.8938907 0.01094819   0.1686224  0.39016022
   RNA2 1.328404e-28 0.1445138 0.1965220 0.17860405   0.0149244  0.06225909
 >     #same as the coefficients
 > #Do overall F-test
 > topTable(fit2.stz,coef=2:6,sort.by="none")
     ID      Pop21      Pop22      Trt21 Pop21.Trt21 
Pop22.Trt21  AveExpr        F    P.Value  adj.P.Val
1 RNA1 -0.3117993  0.1362886  0.3226290   0.1894119  0.03240183 
7.199447 2.563622 0.04757618 0.06386501
2 RNA2 -0.2045172 -0.1395973 -0.2059053   0.3938475  0.15759367 
6.329842 2.357795 0.06386501 0.06386501
 > topTable(fit2.cm2,coef=2:6,sort.by="none")
     ID      Pop21       Pop22      Trt21 Pop21.Trt21 
Pop22.Trt21  AveExpr        F    P.Value  adj.P.Val
1 RNA1 -0.2436550 -0.01961105  0.3226290   0.2056128   0.1271078 
7.199447 2.563622 0.04757618 0.06386501
2 RNA2 -0.2743158 -0.24185590 -0.2059053   0.4726444   0.3545174 
6.329842 2.357795 0.06386501 0.06386501
 >     #despite differences in coefficients, the overall F-stats and 
p-values are the same
 > #Do F-test for main effect of Population
 > topTable(fit2.stz,coef=2:3,sort.by="none")
     ID      Pop21      Pop22  AveExpr        F   P.Value adj.P.Val
1 RNA1 -0.3117993  0.1362886 7.199447 1.723965 0.1953264 0.2770150
2 RNA2 -0.2045172 -0.1395973 6.329842 1.339402 0.2770150 0.2770150
 > topTable(fit2.cm2,coef=2:3,sort.by="none")
     ID      Pop21       Pop22  AveExpr        F   P.Value adj.P.Val
1 RNA1 -0.2436550 -0.01961105 7.199447 1.723965 0.1953264 0.2770150
2 RNA2 -0.2743158 -0.24185590 6.329842 1.339402 0.2770150 0.2770150
 > 	#Again, F and p-values the same but not coefficients
 > #Do F-test for interaction term
 > topTable(fit2.stz,coef=5:6,sort.by="none")
     ID Pop21.Trt21 Pop22.Trt21  AveExpr        F    P.Value  adj.P.Val
1 RNA1   0.1894119  0.03240183 7.199447 1.012854 0.37510055 0.37510055
2 RNA2   0.3938475  0.15759367 6.329842 3.607216 0.03928066 0.07856131
 > topTable(fit2.cm2,coef=5:6,sort.by="none")
     ID Pop21.Trt21 Pop22.Trt21  AveExpr        F    P.Value  adj.P.Val
1 RNA1   0.2056128   0.1271078 7.199447 1.012854 0.37510055 0.37510055
2 RNA2   0.4726444   0.3545174 6.329842 3.607216 0.03928066 0.07856131
 > 	#Again, F and p-values the same but not coefficients
 > sessionInfo()
R version 2.12.0 (2010-10-15)
Platform: i386-pc-mingw32/i386 (32-bit)

[1] LC_COLLATE=English_United States.1252  LC_CTYPE=English_United 
[3] LC_MONETARY=English_United States.1252 
[5] LC_TIME=English_United States.1252

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base

other attached packages:
[1] limma_3.6.9
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