[BioC] Paired t-test query

James MacDonald jmacdon at med.umich.edu
Thu Jan 6 21:49:59 CET 2011

Hi Priyanka,

Since you put the two time points on the same array, you have explicitly set up the pairing already. You don't need to separate the data into a dual color analysis. Just read in normally, normalize within arrays (I don't know about between arrays - IIRC, Gordon doesn't seem to recommend that step for two-color arrays), and then make the comparison. You don't even have to create a design matrix - limma will automatically supply you with the correct design matrix for your experiment.

As for paired t-test vs time course, it depends on what your hypothesis is.



James W. MacDonald, M.S.
Douglas Lab
5912 Buhl
1241 E. Catherine St.
Ann Arbor MI 48109-5618
>>> "Kachroo, Priyanka"  01/06/11 12:35 PM >>>
Hi All,

I would like to ask the forum if a paired t-test is better suited for my experimental design or a time course analysis. I have three time points T0, T6 and T12 for a group of animals. I need to evaluate the DE genes between T6&T0 and also
T12&T0. Since the same set of animals were involved at all three time
points, will a paired t-test for T6-T0 and T12-T0 be a better strategy or a
time course analysis.I have used dual color arrays and hence separated the channels before fitting the model.

For example when i try to do a paired t-test between T0 and T6 i get 50 warning messages.
 I have 5 different animals (biological replicates) that were given no treatment at T0 and a treatment at T6. I tried to run the code as given in limma manual for paired t-test. Since i have two color array i separated the channels first. However i do not understand where the code is wrong. Therefor can someone please explain if the code is right for performing a paired t-test and whether performing a t-test at all is a good idea or not for my design. 
> targets<-readTargets("targets.txt")
>> RG<-read.maimages(targets,source="genepix",columns=list(R="F635 Median",G="F532 Median",Rb="B635",Gb="B532"))
> Read 14117071.gpr
> Read 14117070.gpr
> Read 14116987.gpr
> Read 14117067.gpr
> Read 14117099.gpr
>> RG$genes<-readGAL()
>> RG <- backgroundCorrect(RG, method="normexp", offset=50)
> Green channel
> Corrected array 1
> Corrected array 2
> Corrected array 3
> Corrected array 4
> Corrected array 5
> Red channel
> Corrected array 1
> Corrected array 2
> Corrected array 3
> Corrected array 4
> Corrected array 5
>> MA.p <- normalizeWithinArrays(RG)
>> MA.Aq<-normalizeBetweenArrays(MA.p,method="Aquantile")
>> targets2<-targetsA2C(targets)
>> targets2
>    channel.col SlideNumber     FileName Identity Pairing Target
> 1.1           1    14117071 14117071.gpr       61       1     T6
> 1.2           2    14117071 14117071.gpr       61       1     T0
> 2.1           1    14117070 14117070.gpr      123       2     T6
> 2.2           2    14117070 14117070.gpr      123       2     T0
> 3.1           1    14116987 14116987.gpr      308       3     T6
> 3.2           2    14116987 14116987.gpr      308       3     T0
> 4.1           1    14117067 14117067.gpr      315       4     T0
> 4.2           2    14117067 14117067.gpr      315       4     T6
> 5.1           1    14117099 14117099.gpr      319       5     T0
> 5.2           2    14117099 14117099.gpr      319       5     T6
>> u<-unique(targets2$Target)
>> Pairing<-factor(targets2$Pairing)
>> Exposure<-factor(targets2$Target,levels=c("T0","T6"))
>> design<-model.matrix(~Pairing+Exposure)
>> corfit<-intraspotCorrelation(MA.Aq,design)
> There were 50 or more warnings (use warnings() to see the first 50)

Priyanka Kachroo
Graduate Assistant Research
Texas A&M University

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