[BioC] Difference between LIMMA and Genespring
Gordon K Smyth
smyth at wehi.EDU.AU
Sun Dec 18 06:55:28 CET 2011
Dear Ming,
Limma borrows information between genes, whereas Genespring does not.
This gives limma more statistical power to detect more differentially
expressed genes, and also produces as more reliable gene ranking with
fewer false discoveries. When the sample sizes are small, the differences
can be dramatic.
See Shirley Liu's primer published in Nature Genetics for a tutorial on
what limma does and why it works:
For reasons that I don't understand, Genespring has chosen not to
implement any of the statistical methods developed in the past decade or
so for differential expression of microarrays. They stick to t-tests and
anova methods from early last century, methods that are unsuitable for
genomic data with small samples sizes.
As has been remarked by another poster, there may be other differences as
well between Genespring as limma as to do with pre-processing.
Best wishes
> Date: Mon, 12 Dec 2011 14:42:38 +0100
> From: "Jin, Ming" <ming.jin at helmholtz-muenchen.de>
> To: "'bioconductor at r-project.org'" <bioconductor at r-project.org>
> Subject: [BioC] Difference between LIMMA and Genespring
> Dear Sir/Madam,
> The bioinformaticist whom we cooperated with analyzed the Agilent
> microarray data with LIMMA and Genespring. As what she said, LIMMA
> should be more stringent than Genespring, so that we can get more genes
> with Genespring analysis, but in fact we get less genes by Genespring
> sometimes and sometimes ¼ of the genes are different, even we both use
> ANOVA and Benjamini & Hochberg for statistic analysis. So my question
> is:
> 1 Is this kind of situation reasonable?
> 2 What' the reason for the different results between LIMMA and Genespring?
> Best wihses!
> Ming
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